I’ve heard all the horror stories of the terrible 2’s, from the temper tantrums, hitting, biting, slapping, squealing, not sharing; you name it, I’ve heard it.  Mostly from other mother’s warning me of what’s to “come”.  And trust me personally I’ve seen it, heard it, been the receiver of all these actions with my now 2 year olds.  And I like to say no that’s not fun.

But what most mom’s don’t tell you is that accompanying all those “terrible” actions is also the sweetest words ever. Like 3 little words that I’ve heard for the first time this week. 3 little words that made me melt into a giant puddle of butter. 3 little words that completely make every terrible trying moment worth it.

Little H said I lub (love) you, followed with a kiss.

So I’d like to make a change for not Terrible two’s, but how about sweet two’s, terrific two’s, can’t do any wrong in mommy’s eyes two’s.

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9 Responses

  1. Awwwwwwww! So jealous! I waiting to hear those 3 little words out of my boys’ mouth but it’s not coming out yet 🙂 I bet it’ll make up everything!

    My boys are so in those terrible twos esp. Connor. Man he’s driving me crazy. I am literally exhausted!

    So are your boys completely potty trained? Connor hasn’t been keeping on his diapers. At naptime he takes them off, in the morning when we come in he takes them off and now during daytime he’ll take ’em off as well. So yesterday I gave it a shot and let him run around in undies. We had one accident but he never pee’d or pooped in the potty. Same today. So the moment I put the diaper on, he pees and poops and wants it off. Do you have any tips on how I can make him go on the potty? I am getting super frustrated.

    I wish you and your family and merry christmas and happy new year <3

  2. I hate to tell you this Jenna, but the person who named this age “terrible twos” hadn’t had a three year old yet. 😉 But yes, absolute sweetness comes hand in hand with the frustration. It’s wonderful.

  3. @Kay W., Oh Kay I wish, to be honest I put them on the potty maybe once at night and they will usually tinkle, but that’s all I am trying so far. I don’t really think they are ready just yet. But they are still in the take off their diapers and run naked at any chance stage.
    So no tips for me, sorry.
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  4. @Kelly Deneen, I so agree, actually yesterday they shut themselves in their room yesterday and when I went in to check on them, baby powder was everywhere, ugh…….

  5. awwww! I can’t wait! Aiden just started saying Dada and Mama alot more this past few weeks! He also has learned to clap his hands and give kisses! I hope yall have a Merry Christmas!

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