First day of Kindergarten

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Today the big boys had their first day of Kindergarten and honestly I thought I would be more sad and bittersweet about it. But no I was so ready for them to go to school, this summer has been a very trying one.  With the littles being so demanding we had our fair share of […]

1st day of Prek- 4

Time is simply flying by and my babies are growing each day.  I hate to admit that. But it’s true. I need to put some bricks on their heads, stop growing. Gotta love those country kids!  It goes back and forth from truck driver, ricer (rice farmer) and cotton farmer. My little love bugs. They […]

Hand prints = Mothering fail

There are moments during motherhood where you feel you are striving, really providing, and teaching your children well.  Like, when they use manners and share their toys with others.  I smile, yes, I am doing something right. Then there are moments when you feel like you have completely, utterly failed. Today I am writing about […]

First day of Preschool

I am I am totally that kind of mother that thinks her babies will be little forever, and that with every passing day they aren’t growing or changing and learning. So when their first day of preschool (prek-3) came, needless to say, I didn’t handle it the best.  This is just the first step of […]

Paci Fairy

Paci’s, Pacifiers, Binkies,  cha-cha’s,  all the names for the boys Paci’s over the years.  I have a love/hate relationship with them. Love that they comfort them and they slept so well with their paci’s, hated the fact that they needed them and they are 3 1/2 years old!!! The boys, on the other hand, purely […]

Stuck at home

I wish I could say the reason I haven’t been blogging lately is because we’ve been traveling and enjoying life, but the sad truth is we are stuck at home with the flu, slowly hitting each member of the family and lingering it’s way through the week, blah, blah, blah……. I will be back to […]

Whispers from God

As Oprah calls it, small whispers from God, he’s trying to delicately tell us something.  Giving us small little glimpses of what is or could be.  I got these whispers a few times shortly before I found out I was pregnant with the boys.  A casual trip to Babies”R”Us with DT and all we could […]

Toy Organization

The boys’ closet and toys have been neglected for some time now.  As embarrassing as it is to say, we used laundry baskets to throw their toys in, no organization, just whatever went where ever.  It was a mess.  A huge, annoying, thorn in my side mess. I finally had enough.  After their birthday and Christmas our house […]

Laundry Basket Lockdown

As a mother I will admit that sometimes I need a breather, a chance to take a long bath, or read a good book, or watch a movie of my choosing. Unfortunately for me and most moms, that just doesn’t often happen. So listen up ladies, I’ve invented the best method of child distraction ever. […]

No Shame

At Thanksgiving on DT’s families side this year, Aunt Uba (DT’s sister) had the wonderful idea of bringing a karaoke machine for the kids to play with. Little H had lots of fun giving it a go, and lots of moral support from Little W, who is currently laughing at him. Did that stop H?  […]

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