I am sure if you’ve read my blog before you know that I am now a Full time stay at home Mom with 2 of the cutest bosses around (if I do say so myself).  Though I am 100% sure this job will be the most challenging and rewarding job I’ve ever had I am also so sure its exactly where I should be.  Nothing feels more right.  So to kick off my first day on the job.  I’ve decided to go all out.  So I have my day planned out as such:

Wednesday August 19, 2009

6:30 am- wake up, make coffee and toast and blog for about 30 minutes

7:00 – 7:30- get boys up make their morning milk and breakfast

7:30-8:15- get dressed and go for a run with the boys in the my new jogging stroller

8:15-9:45 get home cool down, quick shower and get dressed for the day

9:00-11:00- play date, with snack

11:30-2:00 boys nap (I will probably rest, blog, do laundry, clean up around the house, etc)

2-2:30- eat a late lunch

2:30- 3:30- play with mommy, read, color, etc

3:30-4:30- play outside

4:30-5:00- bath, then snack

5:00-6:00- play while mommy prepares dinner

600-6:30- eat dinner

6:30-7:30- clean up after dinner, play, read books, start winding down

7:30- boys bed time

7:31- mommy time (clean up – I like to do a little trick and set my timer to clean for 15 minutes and that is usually enough time to pick up all the toys, go through the mail and do the dishes)  Only 15 minutes then I can go do whatever I please.

Ok so this day might be a little ambitious, with a morning run, and a playdate.  But I am going to try it out!  Wish me luck!

So do you like to have a set schedule or do you just play it by ear?  I would love to hear what works for you!!

this post is listed at  What Works for Me Wednesday

*After reading this post I’ve just discovered that I am a list/schedule type person, seriously when did this happen?  I use to be a fly by the seat of her pants type gal, now this!?!?!?!?*

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0 Responses

  1. I think I “play it by ear” but I almost always have a mental schedule of the day in my head. I thrive on routine & knowing what’s next! Thanks for stopping by – your boys and animals are adorable! 😉

  2. I hope things are going as planned. And if they don’t…don’t worry about it. Kids get up early…refuse naps…don’t want to color…don’t want a bath…don’t want to go to bed…won’t let you cook dinner, etc. It is all part of the game. The good news is that there is safety in the structure you have set up. That’s what kids need structure:-) They will fight the structure but it’s what they need. I wish you the best!

  3. Good schedule! I try to plan out my day, although I’ve learned that I can’t get upset when my plan fails! Did it work out okay for you? And I really like the 15 minute timer idea…I might have to snag that one for myself!

  4. Looks like you had your day well planned out! I was a little stumped at the “wake boys up”….your boys don’t wake YOU up?? I don’t think I’ve ever had to wake my kids up in the morning….they’re up at the crack of dawn, in my face, screaming “Mommy, Mommy, get up”.

    I love the 15-minute clean up idea….I’m gonna try that. I always feel so guilty when the house is a mess but I could clean it a million times in 2 hours and it would still be a mess.

    I don’t really have any scheduling tips, except to just allow flexibility. I remember in the beginning having a very set schedule with my kids and when things went haywire it totally threw me off. So I learned to be more flexible and go with the flow and it made us all much happier.

    What I wouldn’t do for my kids to take a 2.5 hour nap!!!!!

  5. I have a schedule in mind, but it’s fluid…like a previous commenter said, sometimes the kids have a different schedule in mind. 🙂

    I try not to plan too much in one day, only one “out of the ordinary” activity. Like this morning, we went to the grocery store, so they’ve already spent an hour in the stroller, which means no walk today. Tomorrow we’ll have a midday play date, so we’ll go for a walk in the morning for their morning nap. I don’t always manage to get exercise in, but I try not to stress out about that either, because keeping up with them tends to give me plenty of exercise.

    Mine are a bit younger, though, so take two naps, which gives us a smaller window of awake time to work around. I used to have a written schedule, but I think once you get into your groove you may find you don’t need it anymore.


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