Well folks summer is almost here.  I have more weight I want to lose and quickly.   In February to jump start my weight loss and healthier eating habits.  I did the Advocare 24 day Challenge and lost 12lbs, most of those being in the first 10 days (and kept them off).  I felt so good and energized.  I got over my horrible cravings for sweets!  I didn’t realized how much I was eating and how it was bogging down my health, energy and weight.

So I decided to start the challenge again on May 14th. (it’s recommended only every 3 months), this time doing the herbal cleanse portion again.  This cleanse is easy to follow, no crazy fad dieting or liquid diets, No starving yourself. No drinks or pills that make you go running to the bathroom (gross I know).  I’ve heard of them or tried them all.

Though there are suggestions for eating well avoiding  carbs (like white bread/pasta/rice), sugar, alcohol and dairy.  So basically eating whole foods only, like fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole wheat grains.  The better you eat the better the results.  Last time I did pretty well, but I did cheat a little.  This time I am strictly following.

So a basic day will look like this.  Wake up drink fiber drink.  The fiber drink isn’t very good, it’s fiber after all, so I quickly chug this. Then about an hour later I eat breakfast.  My favorite bird’s nest (on whole wheat bread) or avocado egg.  Maybe some fresh berries to go with it. For lunch I will have a salad, with various toppings, grilled chicken (or leftover meat and veggies from dinner the night before), tomatoes, carrots, avocado slices, whatever I have on hand.  Then for a snack if I need one 1/4 cup of whole unsalted almonds.  Dinner will be a grilled or broiled lean meat, 2 veggies (my faves are asparagus and butternut squash).  If I’d like a snack I will have some fresh fruit or even banana ice cream.  Then before Bed I take the cleanse pills. Repeat this for day 1-3 then day 4-7 take probiotics in the morning and cleanse pills at night, then days 8-10 take fiber drink and pills at night.

About 1200 calories give or take a little and I will be entering everything (food, cleanse and exercise) into myfitnesspal.com.  I will also workout 5 days a week.  I am going to start the JM’s Extreme Shed & Shred.   This video is longer about 45 minutes, and I will do 1 week of each, then on the 3rd week do both videos back to back.  A little nervous about that one, yikes!

I will keep all you guys up with how both the cleanse and extreme shed are going.  I will be taking before and after pictures and measurements too.

Since I love the Advocare products so much and the amazing results and energy I feel from them I became an Advocare Distributor.  So if you have any questions please contact me.

Anyone want to start with me?  Pretty Please?  It’s so much more fun to do it together!

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3 Responses

  1. Keep up the GREAT work!!!

    You are so inpsiring!!!

    How do you buy the clense?


  2. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday

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