I was at Walmart yesterday and decided it was time to go ahead and buy the boys a potty seat (they are 19 months now).  So after little deliberation I got the one that plays a musical tune when they potty.


So DT got it out last night and let the boys check it out and sit on it with their clothes on.  My plan is to get them use to the potty no pressure, just maybe put them on it in the mornings, and evenings.  No set schedule, though I have heard of some little ones getting potty trained this early I just wanted them to get use to the idea.

So then this morning after that had finished their morning sippy cup and before I changed their night time diapers I decided to take them one by one to sit on the potty.  I figured I would get them acquainted with sitting on the seat.  Never did I expected for both of them to tinkle in the potty.

YES I said they both tinkled in the potty! I was so shocked I couldn’t believe it, so naturally I took a picture as proof!!


I apologize in advance for this picture.  I never in a million years thought I would be the mom that would take pictures of her babies first tinkle in the potty!!  Guess I am!  No promises for their first poop!! Ha!


Oh and it never did play the musical tune till I took it out to clean it, WTH?

***UPDATE*** 5:18 pm.

Potty Training might be sooner than I initially thought, since this post they have both tinkled in the potty again, and Little H pooped.  He pulled off his pants and was tugging at his diaper so I brought him to the potty and sure enough, he pooped , though after he pooped he cried because I was so excited I was yelling loud and called for DT to come see!  Then once we dumped it, he tinkled in the potty.  So this got me thinking maybe they are ready!!!  Would love some advice and/or any potty training book suggestions.

(also please note I spared taking a picture this time, poop is definitely not cute)

I would love to hear your potty training tips, stories or secrets!!

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0 Responses

  1. I took pics of the first poop… I could send them if you like… just kidding! I wouldn’t send them. 😉

    For my potty-training, see: http://wackymummy.blogspot.com/2009/03/tis-season-for-potty-training.html

    I actually went online and bought a book… because I’d never done it before and as I’m sure you’ve read in baby books if you potty-train wrong you can mess them up for life… or so the books say, so I wasn’t taking any chances. (I always love a money-back guarantee! By the way, I never needed my money back.)

    Evan was trained in 1.5 days, and has been dry overnight consistently since about the 3 month mark since the training. So, yay!

    You’ll be so relieved once it’s done and you’ll look back and say to yourself that you can’t believe it was that simple. No matter what method you use. I just essentially showed him and if he wanted to do it, it was up to him. If they’re ready, they’ll do it.

    As they already have for you, so Yay! for you too! =)

  2. That’s a pretty fancy potty!

    I’m in the process of training my daughter…she had a bit of success tonight, but not as much as at your house! You might have to give ME some tips! 🙂

  3. Wacky Mummy- Ha and see I actually didn’t take pics of the first poop. So Funny!! Thanks for the tips and I will have to check that out, only problem is it says they have to be 22 months, and they are only 19 months.

    Muthering Heights- Congrats on the success at your house. The only tips I can give have to do with my boys personalities, see they think the potty is fun, they love sitting on it and making music! I now am sitting them on the potty about every 2-3 hours and/or if I can tell they need to go like after a meal or if they are going to their poop place, then if they tinkle I just say way to go, good job, then we wipe and wash hands, they love it. Now I know not all kids love to use the potty. And they are just using it for fun, but any little bit helps.

  4. Wow! That’s awesome. We are still having accidents here and we’ve been at it for a year!

    Clearly, you don’t want any of my tips!

  5. Well they have come a long way with potty training since I had to train MDQ. He took a long time to be totally potty trained. He loved his trash can and outside for tinkling. No pictures of any of it to share.

    Good luck!

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