Gator Park

As I like to call it, or  Brazos Bend State Park.  A really fun place to visit on a cool Tuesday morning. Mom and I have been to this park several times, never to see an Alligator except at the visitor’s center, but none in the wild. So my goal was to see at least […]

Spring is in the Air

At least here, as we’ve been hatching a lot of chicks on the “farm”.  Just about every week a new set is hatching. The boys really love watching the chicks hatch. See the egg is fully zipped around the shell and just about to pop out! Little W eagerly awaiting the chick to hatch. Little […]

Toy Organization

The boys’ closet and toys have been neglected for some time now.  As embarrassing as it is to say, we used laundry baskets to throw their toys in, no organization, just whatever went where ever.  It was a mess.  A huge, annoying, thorn in my side mess. I finally had enough.  After their birthday and Christmas our house […]

Little Blue Piper

In our household chicks come and go, lots of them.  The boys have had quite the experience with them, you might remember this and this. But this little chick hatched all by herself, no little chickie bubbas or sissies.  So of course she was a little spoiled. We named her Piper, (I was watching too […]

Oh, Christmas Tree!

This Christmas the boys are 3 and very interested in helping decorate their own tree.  I simply set out their ornaments and they started decorating. They took the job very seriously and loved hanging the ornaments, wherever they would stay. Which resulted in some unique decorating tricks. While they were decorating their tree I was […]

3 years of silly faces and sweet kisses

*Be sure to stop by the Meal Planning Giveaway this week* Happy 3rd Birthday Boys! So much has been packed into your three years of life.  Much more than I will ever remember, therefore I blog. My memory of your first 6 months are a bit foggy, what a change we had been through, going […]

Toy Pile Daddy

The other night as I am cooking dinner, DT and the boys were playing in the boys room, but the boys kept running back and forth with the couch pillows and giggling so loud. I thought hey what’s going on, but didn’t really investigate since DT was supervising and all. After a while my curiosity […]

Witches, Monsters, and Cowboys.

Our Halloween started Saturday with a fun trip to the carnival.  We played lots of games and visited with friends. We even ran into a super Witch!  Little W was not to thrilled about this witch (Brooke) so she had to make a quick exit. Then for Halloween the boys dressed up as cowboys.  They […]

Pumpkin carving with 2 year olds

Yesterday the boys, Mom and I started a new tradition, we carved pumpkins.  Can you believe I have lived for 28 years never to have carved a pumpkin? Well not anymore. We started off cutting the tops off and scraping seeds, Little H was was handy with his small spoon and tiny pumpkin. *notice the […]

What’s that on your legs?

Yesterday morning the boys were playing outside in the back yard, while I was running (around the back yard), I stopped off in the house for a quick water and potty break. I mean heck they are almost 3 and there is absolutely nothing they could get into back there. You know where this is […]

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