I want to let you in on a little secret about our garden….  We ummm…. How do I say this… hmmm..

Are you ready for this????

Ok enough stalling.

My pictures are always a week late.  Seriously, eek.  Ha Ha, I know not that big of a deal.  What I mean is the pictures I post each Friday were actually taken the Saturday before.  So these pictures are from last Sunday.  And we had lots of rain again last weekend and in the past 2 weeks we haven’t water our garden once.  That’s a super good thing.  Our garden loves rain water, so much more than our city water.  Not sure what it is but it just grows by leaps and bounds with lots of rain.  Let me just show you one example.

Our zucchini squash from last Sunday compared to our squash from Wednesday, you got that right 4 days difference- Amazing isn’t it


Ok check out what I picked this Wednesday, I just couldn’t resist posting this early!


I bet you can guess what we will be cooking this weekend.  I have a few new recipes up my sleeve, something like zucchini quesadillas. So back to my garden weekly post

Front of the new garden week 7

week 7

tomatoes- tons and tons, just waiting for them to turn red


Corn is getting tall


Purple Hull peas


Banana Peppers- if you look closely you can see all of them, to date we’ve picked 4


Cucumbers are starting to vine out, I think we need to attach a string to them so they will reach for the fence.


Back view of the garden


Watermelon are getting big


Potatoes are growing tall


Yellow squash- see all the yellow, most of that is squash!


Black Beauty Eggplant- has some blooms and small eggplants


Front view of the old garden






Transplanted corn doing very well


White squash also known as pattypan squash


Japanese eggplant


Jalapeno Peppers have quite a few blooms but its not quite hot enough for them yet


picture of my rogue pumpkin  growing in our compost pile


Please ask your gardening questions and/or please share tips. I will be keeping up with the garden and posting weekly garden posts.

Click the links for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4 week 5 and week 6

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37 Responses

  1. I have a small garden this year for the first time ever and I’ve noticed my plant leaves have holes in them. Can you tell me what kind of insect spray you use in yours? Also what kind of plant food / fertilizer do you use?

  2. Whoa, our snow just melted! You are doing great! I just saw our crocus coming up on Wednesday. I guess location location location, right?

  3. I’m so jealous!! We’re just getting started here. We’re also in KS, April E, I’ll be checking out your blog next!

    How big is your garden? I notice you’ve got alot more than we do here, but I wonder how the spaces compare.

  4. Kim- Great question. We are trying and organic garden this year, so for fertilizer we have used chicken & sheep poop. For pesticides in the past my hubby likes to use something called 7 dust. you just sprinkle it on the garden. This year for organic we really need to see what there is, maybe garlic water.

    Angela- I love herbs, also. Good luck with your garden.

    Candid Carrie- your right its all about location, we have to start early, then it gets too hot, so in August/Sept we don’t have a garden.

    April E- Were in SE Texas near the gulf coast.

    Natalie- it won’t be long and you’ll be able to plant

    Mindee- Ha ha!! They aren’t too scaring sizzling in my skillet, yummo!

  5. Utter awe!! I’m really trying hard not to covet—that is my dream right there, all of it!! You are doing great, and I’m sure you can’t wait to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    Amazing how much growth you had with rain water. I’ve heard that it has extra nutrients/minerals that normal water just doesn’t have.

    thanks for sharing!

  6. WOW !! You don’t have just a garden threr you have an abundancy of gardens!!! I bet you cannot wait to cook with everything.

  7. Hi, Thanks for stopping by Sophie’s Foodie Friday and thank you for the link. Those look so very yummy. I can’t wait to try them.
    Your veggie garden is amazing! You are so lucky to have all of that space. I’m jealous!!!

  8. You’re teasing me aren’t you? lol. I cannot believe you are picking and eating stuff already! sweet! We’re behind you about 1-2 months (I think) in our growing season.

    I just loooove your garden.

  9. I am so very jealous! Where I live, we’re not supposed to plant outside until after Mother’s day. SO I must wait a bit more to plant. And I cannot wait!

  10. I just can’t get over how large and beautiful your garden is – it is growing like crazy! Enjoy the bounty & I look forward to seeing something about those zucchini quesadillas 🙂

  11. Oh my goodness…I always look forward to your posts….because your garden is so beautiful. The squash looks so good. You should share some of the recipes that you use your fresh vegetables in…. Have a wonderful weekend..Julie

  12. My first time here!
    What a great garden that you have!
    I have a much smaller one…’cause I don’t have much of a green thumb!

  13. Wow! I’m a bit jealous… things are just finally starting to bloom here and you already have vegetables!! Also? I probably won’t get to garden much this year (we’re moving), but really would like to set up an operation like yours once we’re settled!

  14. Oh, I’m so jealous. I’m in MD and got excited this week when the radishes and lettuce sprouted in our garden! LOL We can’t even think of planting tomatoes, cukes, squashes and peppers for a few more weeks. Sigh… Your garden is gorgeous, though. Looking forward to hearing your ideas on recipes and storing your harvest.

  15. Wow, that is beautiful!!! Your plants look so full & healthy!! My plants are still so stubbly!! And I have a feeling we’ve been visited by some pests b/c some of the leaves have holes. I need to find some safe pesticide to use.

    It’s rained a lot today and supposed to continue into tomorrow so I’m hoping to see some nice growth afterwards, like your garden has!

  16. Amazing garden! Looks like y’all keep busy. One day we will actually get to plant one of our own…when our 1 week old os older that is. 🙂

  17. Your garden looks so pretty. We are not ready to start planting here. We will probably get at least one more frost.

  18. Yummy Squash! I look so forward to seeing your garden growing each week. Everything looks great and growing so fast. Purple Hull Peas are my fav! I miss having a garden.
    Thanks for always sharing.

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