The garden is growing along magnificently we had rain the day I took these pictures, and I swear the garden had grown 2 inches by the next day, it was amazing.  We water several times a week, but one rain and bam huge growth.   DT and I were just talking about how we love to see the veggies growing, what a thrill the garden gives each day to see it’s growth and then once the vegetables start growing, it just feels so good to know exactly what we are serving our family at the dinner table.  We also love to share our garden produce to family and friends, so I know this year we will have tons to share, that also makes us really happy.

Summer garden week 5- front view of new garden
week 5

Tomatoes on the vines, yea!!!


Zucchini- look at all the blooms it won’t be long for some zukes!


Eggplants- see the purple blooms- I will get a close up picture next week, these have thorns, its kinda creepy looking


Sweet corn- growing tall,  DT thinned and transplanted some of this corn into our old garden, the one that had squirrel thieves.


Purple Hull Peas- growing fluffy as ever


Banana peppers- have blooms


Back view of the garden




Potatoes are getting tall


Yellow squash- can you believe it already has a squash, how cool!!


Front view of the old garden

The transplanted sweet corn are doing surprisingly well


White squash is coming along


Seems like the jalapenos are taking their time, but if I recall last year they produced until early September


Please ask your gardening questions and/or please share tips. I will be keeping up with the garden and posting weekly garden posts.

Click the links for  week 1, week 2, week 3and week 4

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35 Responses

  1. Your garden is wonderful! Mine is a little sad, we had some unseasonable freezing this week, and now my tomatoes are black.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. oh my goodness, what a great post for a beautiful life, we grow a small patch of our own veggies and salads, nothing anywhere near as impressive as this

    happy weekend


  3. Amazing….you do have a green thumb. Why just look at the size of those tomatoes already. Yummy.

    My show n tell is now posted. Do drop in if you can find some time to visit.

    Happy weekend.

  4. Your garden looks great! I am down to container gardening – too many pines in the yard and too expensive to cut them down just for a garden!

    Love yours though!

  5. Wow! What a great garden. I’m completely jealous! We plant just a couple flowers and the bunnies in our neighborhood chomp them away.

  6. Jenna, your garden looks amazing! I just sat there in awe looking at your pics!

    I replanted all our veggie seeds last weekend and I can see a couple green bean seedlings just starting to sprout up but that’s it. How long does it usually take before they start popping up? Most of the packages said between 7-10 days but when I did them indoors they popped almost immediately within 2-3 days. But I would imagine the environment outside is very different…it’s still getting very cool at night, like 45 degrees, though no frost. It’s just now starting to get warm during the day…today will be in the high 70’s.

    Also, I’ve been noticing that while we get a lot of sun on the side where the garden is, we also get a tremenous amount of strong wind too. Is there anything I can to safeguard the new sprouts once they come up?

  7. I really enjoy looking at your garden every Friday and how beautiful it is…Can’t wait too see all of the goodies..Have a wonderful weekend…julie

  8. You must live in a much warmer climate that I do!! We love to garden too but can not plant the summer plants until after Mother’s Day.
    Your garden looks wonderful!!

  9. Look at those tomatoes! It’s fun to see how it grows so quickly! Last year we went away for a weekend, when we came back (3 days later) our tomatoes had fallen over the fence, they grew like 6 inches in a few days! Yike!

    Oh, and pumpkins-I’ve got no idea how big they’ll get-we have a separate area to keep them in so they don’t take the garden over!

  10. I’m staring at my bare (muddy) garden spot as I type this. I must get out there next week! My seedlings have outgrown their pots…

  11. Great job on the garden. We won’t be able to plant in this part of the country for a few more weeks. But boy, aor you doing a spectactular job!

  12. Love it! Our garden isn’t even planted yet, I’m in NW Indiana and we won’t plant until probably Memorial Day.
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. I am loving all your plants looking so green, healthy and alive! We won’t have that around here for another month or so! Keep up the great work!

  14. Please share some of that white squash with your aunt. Granny use to fry it for us when we were kids and it’s so hard to find these days. I haven’t had it in a couple of years. Uncle B said that our garden is looking good. Cherry and roma tomatoes and peppers are looking good. I’ll have to trade baby sitting for veggies this summer.

  15. Those tomatoes look wonderful. In our area it is still one week away from the recommended time of garden planting. You will be enjoying the fruits of your labors long before us!

  16. Wow! So fun to see other peoples gardens:) although I am extremely jealous of how far advanced you are. I was doing good to clear the snow off long enough to get my peas, spinach and some salad greens in the ground. I’m hoping they poke their little heads up anytime soon;)

    I love to do garden posts also, so I’ll be back soon.
    Happy harvesting!

    Kristin K

  17. Wow, you have an amazing garden. I haven’t gotten the gumption to do one yet. I hope it will come someday. For now, I borrow from my mom, stepmom, and grandma’s gardens. They each grow different things, so there is lots to go around and lots of variety.

  18. I was just reading in People magazine about the new ‘garden fad’ where many are turning their front lawns into herb and vegetable gardens! Well, I don’t have a house yet, so I have to rely on my tiny terrace ‘pot garden’. I’m green with envy at your perfect garden and all those veggies you got going!!! I can’t wait to see the dishes you create with your endless bounty! 🙂

  19. Okay, I planted my seeds in those little tray things. And most are actually sprouting! But for instance, the broccoli, is coming up like 5 shoots in one little peat pot. Am I supposed to pull out a couple of those, or lett all those spouts keep growing in each little pot?

    I’m so bad at gardening.

  20. Ohhh what heaven to have a garden like that. But! I am getting my raised bed this weekend, so I can start my own (much smaller) garden! Yippee!! Now I just have to find enough dirt to fill the bed. 🙂

    Your garden looks so great that I wonder if DH will let me take over our entire backyard. Hmmm….

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