Great title, huh??  I bet you thought I went on a glamorous get away or that I would be partying on a beach somewhere.  But alas my life is no longer Spring break parties, and drinking fests, but I still know how to have a good time.  Just more in a mommy fashion now.

I spent a large part of the week working and posting for taxes, fun I know, but now it is done and (big exhale) I am so glad.

DT, me and 2 good friends Brooke and Colin all went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, we had lots of fun, ate loads of junk food, and of course the token funnel cake, (which btw I gave up sweets for lent, ugh)

Here’s the arena, if you look closely calf roping is going on.


We had really good seats, right behind the bucking shoots.

Brooke and Colin- right after I took this picture, Brooke said “Hey your not going to put that on your blog are you?”, I said of course not, ha ha ha


DT enjoying a cold beverage


for the concert Lady Antebellum played


I also enjoyed lots of  time with these little fellers, even when they are making a mess


I made my first batch of Sauerkraut, it takes about 2-4 weeks to ferment, so we will see how it turns out.


I even got a haircut and highlight- so I decided I would take some before and after pics (and I couldn’t take one single good self portrait if it killed me, seriously there are like 12 other pictures equally as bad)


and look at those roots, that’s what not getting it done in 4 1/2 months looks like, yikes!

Oh and my favorite hair stylist Christie, said I had a few grey hairs,  Can you believe it.  I mean whaaaaaaattttt, I am only 26.  I wasn’t prepared for that……

But I guess that’s what twin boys will do to ya or me, ok I am still in denial.


(Again with my wonderful self portriat skills)


We visited DT’s grandmother (her first time to meet the boys)


And my Silly Cousin Kay and her Boyfriend K


Then the “famous” trick horse rider H gave us a show


and plumber W did some work around the house


And to top off the busy week we had a sign from God, a peace sign onion ring that is!


It was a great week off, even though we did not move back into our house as previously planned.  It was nice to have off of work.

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25 Responses

  1. Looks like great fun! Love the plumber’s crack and the peace sign!
    Thanks for hosting!

  2. I love the plumber!

    You didn’t save the onion ring? You maybe could have sold it on eBay!

  3. Looks like a great time!

    My good friend’s brother is in Lady A!

    Thanks for coming by my blog~hope you stay newlywed forever! I feel like me and my honey are newlyweds, and we just celebrated 6 years!

  4. Diana- if your ever in town again, you should check it out its loads of fun.

    Susie- yes overall it was a great week, except for the taxes, blah.

    Felicia- thanks, Yes Little H loves to do tricks on his rocking horse!

    Hooiser homemade- Thanks for linking up!

    Kegski- Yes the plumber makes lots of visits to our house, lol. And know I never thought about selling it on ebay, how funny! You really think someone would buy it?

    Brooke- oh no, I am busted! Recognize the horse? Thanks again the boys love it.

    Mindee- Yes we had a great time, I bet the National Western in Denver was so much fun.

    Hadley-how cool you know a member of Lady A! Yes we will be Newlyweds forever, we are coming up on our 3rd year!

  5. You have so many great pics in this post I can’t pic my fav! lol. Either the one eating in the high chairs, or the ‘bucking bronco’ baby! funny!

  6. Great photos! It looks like you are having quite the spring break and it’s rodeo themed which makes it even better! I hope you have a relaxing rest of the week with your family.

  7. Sheila- thanks! I know the one in the high chair was too cute not to post.

    Kelly- Howdy! Texas is a great place, you should visit!

    Tabitha- Thanks I know everyone gets them, but I just didn’t expect to so soon.

    Blueviolet- Thanks, yes it was alot of fun, wish it lasted longer than a week though.

    Blonde1981-Thanks, but Spring Break for us was last week! So unfortunately its over already, boo hoo!

  8. I have been there also in Houston. I get to see Lady Antebellum this summer how were they?

    I need to get my hair done also. I see some grey and I have to wait until April 10th.

    Have a great day.

  9. If it makes you feel any better, my husband does the taxes during spring break, too. Fun chore, but someone’s gotta do it!

    And that horse picture. WOW does he have some nice core strength. Quite impressive. I love the pictures of those little cuties!

  10. Thanks for popping in at my place. I will come around again – it is great to meet other twins moms ! (especially if their boys are almost the same age as mine)

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