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Much to my surprise, life with the newest little twins has been almost easy.  Dare I say it?  Yes, I have a set of twins and I’ve done this before, but these babies are so very laid back and, even being early, they really just eat, sleep, and poop, with just a little wakeful time in between.  I have them on a really good schedule, they eat about every 3 hours during the day and, if I am lucky, 4 hours at night.  I am exclusively breastfeeding them, so it is important that I must be very aware of how much I eat and drink.  I use my huge water cup from the hospital and fill it probably 5-6 times a day to know I am drinking enough.

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We are pretty sure that G and C are fraternal as they have some major differences in their appearances.  Though they do look a lot alike H and W, G has larger eyes, smaller nose, and longer torso than C, and C has a larger nose, smaller eyes and body.  It’s fun seeing them everyday and how they change and are becoming more alert and putting a little weight on. They have their next doctor appointment on Monday and I can’t wait to see if they are back to their birth weights.  They did lose some weight in the beginning and G almost lost a whole pound.

We make time for tummy time each day and we usually don’t like it so much.

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We are so very lucky to have a huge supportive group of family and friends.  DT’s mom came and stayed with us for a week and really helped so much during the night time when we were still trying to get the babies on the same eating and sleeping schedule.  My Mom has been great and comes at the drop of a hat to help out and also helped with meals and the big boys so much the first few weeks.  My sorority sisters have been bringing a weekly meal and I look forward to it so very much.  These ladies can cook, and I fully plan on sharing some new recipes with you all soon.

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First bath with daddy, they loved it so much!

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DT goes back to his normal work schedule this week and I am dreading it.  It’s been so great having him home and us working like a team with all the boys.  One of my biggest concerns is keeping the big boys entertained this summer.  I do have a few activities planned for them, but it won’t be like what they are used to.  So there will be a bit of adjustment with that.  They have done very well with the babies as well, and just love them so very much.

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H is constantly kissing and hugging them, and wants to carry them.  I explain he can’t carry them just yet. Not until they get a little older.  W is a little more reserved with the babies but he loves to kiss them and say how cute they are then he is off to play.

I asked W how he knew to throw up the peace sign, but he said this means two, 2 babies.

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As for as me, it has taken me some time to recover, this pregnancy was very hard on my body.  Towards the end I was on bed rest and did develop pre-eclampsia.  I had severe swelling and gained about 50+lbs.  But I am happy to say that now being almost 3 weeks post partum, I have lost all but 3 of those 50lbs.  What a difference it feels to have my body back to almost normal.  I do plan on losing some more weight and will start exercising (3o day shred) at some point, but I don’t want it to affect my milk supply, so I will wait until I know that won’t be an issue or I have stopped nursing.

Like I said we sleep a lot!
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And yawn a lot too it seems!

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I am hoping to get back into the schedule of blogging more often and hopefully cooking some more, too.  Hope all is well with my blogging friends, looking forward to getting back to it.


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5 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. And it’s a wonderful reminder to Moms that it’s important for them to find support if it is not already in place. It will do them the world of good- as you said!

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