Monday was our first appointment with the OB/GYN and we had a Ultrasound scheduled.  I was about 11 weeks along with an Oct 25th due date.  DT and I were beyond excited to see our healthy little baby.

We weren’t quite prepared for what we did see.  Instead of a little body and heartbeat, they found a large mass filling up my uterus.  The doctors exact words were, “I have never seen anything like this before”.  He said words like, Molar pregnancy, tumors, fibroid, none of which sounded good or resulted in a healthy little baby.  My heart is broken, 11 weeks of dreaming of my baby, planning, being excited, all down the drain.

He took my blood to check my HCG level to determine a Molar pregnancy, and if the levels were high, that is what it is.

Sure enough he called later that day saying my HCG was through the roof and he was assuming a Molar pregnancy and would refer me to a specialist at the Medical Center in Houston.

All day yesterday from 8-5 I was poked, prodded and measured.  I had another Ultrasound, a pelvic exam, more blood-work, an IV, and an MRI.  All to confirm the Molar pregnancy.

I will hear from the doctors today with results of the MRI and to schedule the extraction.  I will be closely monitored for 6 to 12 months so none of the Mole tissue continues to grow.  Hopefully, we will try for another baby within the year.  Only time will tell.

So I have been missing from my blog for all this time, sick with early pregnancy symptoms (or so I thought).  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers during this trying time for us.  I miss you all and hope to be back to myself soon.

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50 Responses

  1. Oh Jenna! I’m so so sorry! I hope and pray for you to recover physically and emotionally from this heartbreak very soon. Hugs my friend.

  2. oh Jenna I’m so sorry to hear that. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

  3. Sweet Jenna! I am sorry for you and your family. The Lord has some plan. Feel better and heal in your heart.
    Much love ,

  4. Jenna,
    I’m so very sorry. I am so glad you have your boys to hug and hold. I learned a lot about this when a friend of mine recently had the same thing happen to her. It’s horrible to go through, but, luckily, she had her boys to hang onto also. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  5. I was just thinking about you last night and wondering if you were okay. I can only imagine how hard this must be. I’ll be praying for you.

  6. My thoughts are with you and your family. I know how hard its been simply struggling to get pregnant. I can’t imagine the heartache you are facing believing, wishing, hoping, and dreaming of your future child only to receive this news.

  7. Jenna, I am so, so sorry to hear about this. You guys have been through the wringer the past few weeks. You are all in our prayers. Hang in there!

  8. I was just wondering the other day if you were pregnant and/or sick. I’m sorry for your disappointment and I’m sure you’ve been feeling totally crummy. I’ve never heard of a molar pregnancy before – what an emotional roller coaster. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  9. Jenna, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers right now. I know how hard it is to go through something like that. It truly makes you appreciate your 2 wonderful blessings you have created. I wish you well for the future. Take care.

  10. I just subbed to your blog last week, so I haven’t left any comments yet, but I had to let you know you’re in my prayers. Pregnancy complications are so heart-breaking, but please keep up with all follow-ups – I’ve heard of this complication, please stay ahead of it until the drs say it’s no longer an issue.

  11. Jenna, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through and my heart breaks for you. I understand the pain and disappointment you’re feeling. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. i’m so sorry! I’ve been missing your blog posts and wondered where you’ve been. I hope everything works out well and you’re feeling well again soon. I can’t imagine the pain you’ve been dealing with, you are in my thoughts.

  13. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage last May myself, and they had found a cyst on my ovary and a fibroid on my uterus. A few months later, they found I had had abnormal cells on a pap, too. And I couldn’t try to get pregnant again for a little under a year. I didn’t want to hear it at the time, but things will get better. I wrote about my miscarriage for my site; it brought me comfort. You might not want to look at it now, but maybe down the road. Here’s the link –
    In the meantime, you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers, and feel free to get in touch if you need to talk with someone who has gone through something similar. I truly sympathize. Please extend my sympathy to your husband and family, too. Do whatever you need to do to mourn the loss. Take time for yourself and worry about nothing else. With love, Francesca

  14. Sweet Pea: I am new to your site. I “just happened” to be looking for a recipe today and found your blog (with the recipe I needed, btw!) and read this most recent blog. I haven’t personally experienced this heartache, but I walked alongside my sister-in-law with hers. There must be a time of grieving and I’m so sorry that things like molar pregnancies happen. She was unable to conceive for five years following (praying for a much quicker success for you) but she now has a 16 month old and is expecting again in a few months! Praying for your rainbow after the storm…

  15. Jenna,
    I am so sorry to hear this. We will keep you and your family in our prayers. I had a miscarriage and know the pain and disappointment you are going through. My heart is breaking for you. Stay strong and pray a lot.

  16. I had a molar pregnancy too. I went for an ultrasound on my 25th bday only to find a black screen instead of a baby. I am sorry for your loss. I know how confusing and strange it feels to have a mole. The pathology dept did not read my samples correctlty after the extraction so my doctor did not monitor my blood levels as often as he should have. Mine came back two months after the extraction (evidently that is very rare) and since they screwed up it was hard to tell if it was cancer or another mole. I was so scared and my doctor was not very experienced. The nurses called and congratulated me on possibly having twins since my levels were through the roof. I found a specialist and after several months of chemotherapy I was fine. They used milder medicines to protect my fertility. Two years later I had my son. There is light ahead, even if it seems very dark now. Best wishes to you and your family.

  17. I’m so sorry for you loss!! Please know that I am sending thoughts and prayers to you all! Take things one day at a time. I know that you will get through the ups and downs together.

  18. Oh I’m so sorry to hear this and for your loss. 🙁 Chin up, buttercup… and I’ll be sending my good thoughts to you. Always.

  19. Hi there,
    Thanks for writing in to my blog Going through a molar pregnancy is terrible, scary and you feel all alone. I can’t believe it’s been a couple months for me now. It was a nightmare, but I still feel lucky. Things, news could have been much worse. I’m sorry you have to go through this, but I wish you the best.
    Take care!

  20. I am so sorry for the pain this must have caused you. The pain of losing what could have been. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending you baby dust! Hang in there.

  21. Pingback: Here we go AGAIN??

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