Lets Meet the Newlyweds Tom and Candice.  Candice has a fun slightly quirky blog called Bookish Penguin. Why the name you ask, Candice explains it here.  She is an avid reader as well as a college professor. Not only that but she has a list of 366 things she loves about Tom, now that is some kind of love. (sorry DT not sure I could think of that many things, ha ha just kidding)  She and Tom are also expecting their first bundle of joy in May to which she has been write her ups and downs of pregnancy so far.  Please be sure to check her blog out and learn more about Candice and Tom.

Wedding date: November 15, 2008

Blog (s): Bookish Penguin (http://www.bookishpenguin.com)

How did you meet? On MySpace, which I know is going to make us seem ancient to our children when they’re old enough to know what that is.  The day after I put up my profile information, I got a really nice, well-worded email.  I was intrigued immediately.  We met at a bookstore two days after that and were a couple a day after that.

When did you know he was the one? For too long I was convinced he wasn’t – so much so that I told him he should go out with a friend of his that I thought was interested in him.  Amazingly, he called my bluff and went out with her!  They had a great time, with him talking about me and the other woman talking about the guy she was dating.  Not knowing they weren’t really interested in each other, I spent the night crying at home because I realized I didn’t want him to ever date anyone else again.  When I figured he’d be home from his “date,” I called him and fessed up.  About two months later, we were engaged.

What is one of your favorite things to do together? We don’t have a lot of free time together, so we really love doing simple things together.  We’ll take a drive somewhere, or watch a movie – or even just go grocery shopping.  We’re that couple you see doubled over laughing in the produce aisle because we just have fun being together.

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? That he really just does not see the dirt!  In his world the hair on the bathroom floor simply does not exist and the garbage takes itself out.  It must be a wonderful place to live, but somehow I just can’t help but see that stuff.  I’ve also learned that he’s remarkably good at getting me to calm down when I get worked up about something (like, for example, the hair on the bathroom floor).

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We talk.  A lot.  We don’t get to talk at all in the morning or much during the day (we don’t even get to text much) so we have a lot to catch up on every evening.  No matter how tired one or both of us are or how late we get home, we still make sure to take a little time to cuddle up and talk.

What is your best piece of marriage advice? Talk.  Keep no secrets.  I know that doesn’t work for everyone and before Tom, I never thought it would work for me.  But that was only because I never felt comfortable sharing my whole self with someone before.  It’s so rewarding to have someone you can divulge anything and everything to.  That ultimate trust and openness really creates and strengthens the marriage bond and if you have good communication skills, you’ll be able to weather any storm.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? He’s an unabashed and unapologetic Trekkie… and he’s slowly converted me, despite my protests that it would never happen.

What is something special you do just for your husband?  I like to buy him little inexpensive things and leave them by his computer so he finds them when he comes home.  Recently I left him a little Super Mario Bros mushroom tin full of mushroom-shaped candies.

Tell us something about yourself. I’m totally addicted to academia. I work at a college and am working toward my second (and final) graduate degree.  If I could earn a living just being a student, I would.  Ordinarily, I work at two colleges (one as a part-time adjunct) but I took this semester off because I’m pregnant and due in May!  I didn’t want to risk not being able to finish the semester with my students if I went into labor early.  And yes, we’re totally excited to be starting a family!  Life is going to be super busy, but it’s going to be great.

If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, please leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

*Don’t forget to stop by the Xagave Giveaway and enter to win a 18oz sample and cookbook!*

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