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Let’s Meet the Newlyweds Steven and Emily.  They recently welcomed a baby boy Lincoln into their family and he is just as cute as can be.  Emily has been chronicling her pregnancy week by week and now as a new parents on her blog.  Emily is also a very talented Photography and has some fabulous shots of Lincoln as well as a professional photography were she captures wonderful family and baby photos.  Be sure to check them out.

Wedding date: Dec. 14, 2007

Blog (s):Mr. & Mrs.
Emily Anderson Photography

How did you meet?

We went to high school together. I knew who he was, and he knew who I was but because he is four years older than me, we never really met. When I was 16 and a junior and he was 19 and in college, we were introduced through a mutual friend at a football game. I said to myself that night, ‘I’m going to have him. I’m going to get a date.’ I had no idea that four years later we would be getting married. Another friend gave him my number and told him to call me, but Steven wasn’t too keen on the idea because I was 16 and he would be turning 20 in two months. I was persistent though and finally called him. After a couple of weeks I introduced him to my parents at another football game and convinced him they wouldn’t kill him or have him arrested for dating me. I didn’t mention to my dad that Steven had a birthday coming up though. 🙂

When did you know he was the one?
I’m not sure there was one defining moment. We were both just so comfortable together from the start. We made each other laugh, and we never had a problem talking to one another about things. We had been dating about 6 months when I told my mom that I would marry him someday.

What is one of your favorite things to do together?
We love to drive through rural areas of Arkansas. He likes to show me areas he visited or lived as a kid, and I love to stop and take pictures everywhere.

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married?
He wasn’t lying when he said he’d help with the cleaning! He’s not obsessed with being neat and tidy, but he doesn’t mind helping out with the laundry or vacuuming without being asked.

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life?
Steven travels a lot for work, so staying connected is very important. He calls each morning when he’s getting ready for work, and we talk each night before we both go to bed. We call and text each other throughout the day, and I make sure to send him at least one picture of our son each day. We also take one day each weekend as our family day. We run errands together and eat out for lunch or just hang out at home, but we spend the day together.

What is your best piece of marriage advice?
Pray for your spouse and laugh together at least once a day. Don’t take life too seriously.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband?
He’s so funny and very random! My husband is always making funny comments out of nowhere, and he can make me laugh until I cry.

What is something special you do just for your husband?
I like to make him a pot of coffee or a pitcher of tea before he gets home from work.

Tell us something about yourself.

I’m laid-back and talkative, but I cry about everything that’s happy or sad. I love photographing people and animals. I think all of life’s moments are worth capturing. I knew from the age of 12 that I was meant to be a mommy, and my job of stay-at-home mom is the best job I’ve ever had. Steven is hard-working and a bit quiet until you get to know him. Then he is a total goofball. He is awesome with kids and the most involved new dad I’ve ever seen. He is amazing with our son and seems to be a magnet for all other kids too. When I can’t find Steven after church on Sundays, I just look for the big group of toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary school-age kids. He’s always in the middle of all of them.

If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, please leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

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