Meet Kelly and Stu my first Meet the Newlyweds blogging couple.  You heard that right they both have blogs.  Too cool!  Maybe I can talk DT into starting a trucking blog, hmmm, anyway I digress.  Kelly has a wonderfully cute blog that chronicles daily life with her darling daughter Delia, whom by the way I have decided will one day marry one of the boys, seriously she is so precious.  Stu has a total Man blog all about beer, what could be better than that.  And not your regular run of the mill beer but good dark crazy beers like Double Bastard Ale (gotta love that name).  Come on lets Meet the Newlyweds!  Actually they have been married since 02 but hey whats 6 years, still newlyweds right?


Wedding date: July 13, 2002

Blogs: (Kelly) and (Stu)  

How did you meet?

We saw each other from afar at college, and it was love at first sight…okay, well that’s not quite what happened, but it was close.

We were in the same program in college; I had morning classes, and he had afternoon classes. I stayed late one day to do some homework in one of the computer labs, and I saw him for the first time. I was smitten from the start. I started referring to him as the “hot boy.” After that, I sort of stalked him. Okay, well that’s not exactly right. ha! I did, however, make it convenient for him if he ever wanted to talk to me. Whenever I had to work in a computer lab in the afternoons, I made it a point to work in a room where he was having class.  🙂  Supposedly he went home and told his roommate about the “cute girl” he kept seeing in his classroom. The following quarter, he switched to morning classes, and I was EXTREMELY excited when I walked into my Photoshop class and saw the “hot boy” sitting there! After I changed seats about 3 times the first day of class, we were finally sitting by one another. I quickly befriended him (which was unusual behavior for me).  🙂

When did you know he was the one?

I hoped he was “the one” even before we met, but once we got to know each other, I realized how incredible he was. It didn’t take me long to completely fall head over heels with him.

What is one of your favorite things to do together?

We love going to Minnesota Wild hockey games together. We found common ground with hockey because football is out for us; I am a Packers fan, and he is a Vikings fan. Ha! 

What is something new you learned about your spouse after you were married?

He likes watching sports more now than when we were dating. It kind of cracks me up.

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life?

We have a family dinner every night and make sure to talk about each of our days.

What is your best piece of marriage advice?

Don’t assume that you can read each other’s minds. If you are thinking of something, expecting something, or want something, just tell the other person. It makes life much easier for both people.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband?

He is very routine-oriented to the point where it is quirky. I don’t know that any of his daily routines are necessarily a favorite of mine — sometimes they make me laugh and sometimes they drive me batty. I do appreciate his sense of order though.  🙂

What is something special you do just for your husband?

I made him a baby. And I clean the house. And make dinner. Everything I do is special. Ha! We are not in the stage of our marriage where we leave each other little notes or where he buys me flowers, but if I stop at the liquor store for myself, I will surprise him with a 6-pack of micro brewed beer. He appreciates that a lot.

Tell us something about yourself.

I love being married, and I love being a mom. Stu and I have been married for 6.5 years, and every year it gets better. Being a mom adds a whole new element to my life as a woman and as a wife. Things are more complicated, but life is also more wonderful than I ever could have imagined.

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12 Responses

  1. Great interview!! I love her comment when asked what she does especially for her husband…”I made him a baby”!! Very cute!!! They sound like an adorable couple!

  2. Facinating! Great to meet you both! Loved your marriage advice! Thanks so much for doing this Jenna! You’re creating a community and I’m so happy to be a part of it!:-)

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