Lets Meet the Newlyweds Garrett and Meagan!  Newlywed if you still count 3 years and I do so there you go.  Meagan blogs at Meagan & Garrett plus one yes they just had a little boy name Rowan and what a cutie pie.  She writes about there daily life and fun travels and now with a baby a trip to the beach in a bikini, and must I say I wish I looked that good now, much less after just having a baby!  Way to go girl!  Now on to the interview.


Wedding date: May 5, 2006

Blog (s): Meagan & Garrett plus one

How did you meet? We met through our mutual friend, Charlie. My roomate and I and Garrett and Charlie met up at Jamba Juice and we all went to a movie. We instantly became friends, which was really easy because we shared the same group of friends and would practically finish each other’s sentences. I had a boyfriend at the time, so we didn’t start dating until years later. He would always encourage me to leave my “Loser boyfriend” because he said I could do better. ha ha! What he really meant was…I could be dating him instead!

When did you know he was the one? We drove around from 9:30 at night until nearly 7 am just talking and laughing, stopping for coffee just to stay awake so that we could talk more.  We told each other we loved each other that night. When I got home I was so exhausted but so excited that I couldn’t even sleep!

What is one of your favorite things to do together? Laugh. Hands down. We are really goofy…we tease each other and laugh a lot. We also love renovating our home together. We have a blast picking out things, and working on DIY projects together. Its fun to build our dream home with our own hands.

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? That he takes longer than me to get ready! He is such a man’s man, so he doesn’t primp or anything..he is just SO DANG SLOW! He likes to take his time and he will take an hour in the shower, easy!

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We talk several times during the day when we are at work. He always texts me every morning when he gets to work letting me know he got there safe.. and always has something sweet to say. We email as well. We also try and have date nights as often as possible and we like to do a lot of outdoors things like riding our bikes together, hiking, fishing.

What is your best piece of marriage advice? Stick it out. I believe that God will bless you greatly for staying true to your marriage, and being good to your spouse. The bible never said it would be easy, but it is worth it! And I would also say just have fun…don’t be to serious and stuffy. Love each other with all of your heart, and never go to bed angry!

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? He has a weird thing about textures of foods…for example: He won’t eat mango fresh, but will eat dried mango. He won’t eat apple pie unless the apples are minced but he will eat fresh apples whole. He says the textures bother him!

What is something special you do just for your husband? For Christmas, I had professional Boudoir photos done by Gardner Photography and Design and wrapped them in a box for him. He was more excited than I had ever seen him! He said it was the best gift he’s ever received. I had to stop him from hanging them in the garage!

Tell us something about yourself: I am a new mommy! Our son is 6 weeks old and looks just like daddy! I’m loving being his mom, and looking forward to making all of his years special. I LOVE to read! I read almost every day. I’m the first person in my family to go to and graduate from college. I love Jesus Christ, and I love telling our son all about him. I also want to re-learn Spanish someday soon.

If you are interested in being a featured newlywed couple leave me a comment, and I will get in touch with you.

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0 Responses

  1. You two are precious! Thanks for letting us get to know you 🙂

    My hubby has the texture thing too, although not that extreme 😉 He just doesn’t enjoy beans and pudding due to their texture.

  2. I was waiting for you guys to make it to this site. I know i’ve said this before but reading your blog makes me completely realize what true love is and that it is indeed real if you find the right person. Your blog gives me hope!!! I think you two are absolutely perfect for each other even though I hardly know you. But reading your blog makes me feel like I do. haha. Can’t wait to kee reading your journey together. especially with baby Rowan.

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