I am pleased to introduce Derek and Sarah.  Sarah has a fabulous and sexy blog called La Jeune Marié.  In which she shares her passion for fashion, weddings, and lingerie.  She has so much style it makes me yearn for a passion in fashion (which I admittedly lack).  She also is a neighbor of mine living here in Houston!  Be sure to check out her blog.  On to the interview!

derek & Sarah

Wedding date: October 4, 2008

Blog (s):La Jeune Marié

How did you meet?

Derek and I met through his younger sister Kara. She and I went to school together, and she invited me to a New Year’s Eve bash at her older brother’s house near Austin. With the promise of tall, dark and handsome rugby players at the party, I knew I had to be there! Of course when we arrived I pointed out to her one man in particular that I had to talk to. “Kara, do you know him? He is so cute!” “Yes… That’s my brother!” she laughed. He ended up being my New Year’s kiss, and we have been together ever since.

When did you know he was the one?

The night we met, at midnight. Derek stole my heart with his old fashioned manners, his sense of humor and his big brown eyes. I couldn’t resist him. It sounds so incredibly lame, but I knew the second I met him.

What is one of your favorite things to do together?

We are currently planning to travel to Europe and are awaiting the beginning of our life’s adventure with one another. In addition to traveling, we are completely embracing Austin as our new home and getting involved with volunteering locally. Our favorite is playing with all of the dogs at Town Lake animal shelter – we are totally “dog” people!

What is something new you learned about your spouse after you were married?

After saying “I do” I learned that my husband was a lot smarter than I had originally given him credit for. The way he manages our finances, plans for our future, even maps out our vacations! The man is incredibly knowledgeable about any and everything and that is something I failed to notice or appreciate while dating. I was far too busy swooning over his handsomeness to notice his brains and think I just liked pretending I always “knew it all”.  Now if I need a “second opinion” I know I have a certified genius to my complete disposal! It makes me completely confident in the fact that he will always do what is best for our family.

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life?

Every morning I call him from work to say good morning and let him know I have arrived safely. In the afternoon he sends me a brief email along the lines of “I can’t wait to see you tonight – stressful day – love and see you soon.” And I will usually call with some words of encouragement along with a request he picks up a bottle of wine on his way home from the office.

What is your best piece of marriage advice?

Don’t feel guilty about shutting the world out every now and then. The world causes a lot of stress and strain on people these days and those issues can easily infiltrate your relationship. You find yourselves constantly “going” with no end in sight and life can run you ragged. Sometimes, it is okay to turn off the cell phone, unplug the lap top, grab a bottle of cheap champagne and just spend the day in bed with your spouse – no interruptions, no talking about work or bills or how you haven’t been to the gym in months… just pure uninterrupted relaxation with the one you love… the champagne helps!

What is your favorite quirk about your husband?

His ability to memorize every line from every Will Ferrell movie ever made, but then not be able to remember to take the trash out or if he fed the dog or not. For my dog’s benefit, we feed him twice… you know, just in case.

What is something special you do just for your husband?

Every day when he comes through the door after work I make sure to greet him warmly and try my best to have something for him to snack on (and perhaps a glass of wine) while I cook dinner and we talk about the day. I want him to feel as if even though I am tired too from my work day, that I am still delighted to see him when he gets home.

Tell us something about yourself.

I’m a southern girl born and raised in the suburbs of Houston. Throughout my childhood I enjoyed ballet, equestrian riding and cheerleading but what I wanted more than life itself was to be a bride. I am passionate about weddings and all that creates them. From pretty dresses to champagne flutes, stationary to flowers… I adore it all! Which is why I am so excited to be on the verge of becoming a successful event designer in Texas.

If you are interested in being a featured newlywed couple leave me a comment, and I will get in touch with you.

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0 Responses

  1. Don’t feel guilty about shutting the world out…..well put! After being married 20 years, I can tell you this DEFINITELY is great advice. That and don’t listen to much to others suggestions when raising your own kids. 🙂

  2. This was so much fun! Thank you for having me!

    Sheila – I’m am glad you liked my “advice”! I agree with it whole heartedly of course, LOL. Thanks so much!

  3. “I want him to feel as if even though I am tired too from my work day, that I am still delighted to see him when he gets home.”

    Wow. Amen!

  4. I adore juene marie, love the newlyweddedness, my husband has every line from Seinfeld memorized. I will watch an episode I’ve never seen and be able to quote it.

    Oh, and p.s. – – I dont’ know how newlywed you have to be to be interviewed, but I’d love to join the list!

  5. 1) My husband loves the Town Lake Animal Shelter. Sadly, I never made it there while we lived in Austin.

    2) If you happen to be traveling to southern or western Germany and want any travel tips, let us know! (That’s where we live now.)

  6. I love reading your “Meet the Newlyweds” posts! I have found some really great blogs from these posts.

    PS-I’d love to be one-half of a “meet the newlyweds” post. Does almost two years still make you a newlywed? lol

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