I am happy to introduce this lovely couple Chris and Katie.  Katie has a really neat blog called Confessions of a Young Married Couple, its split into several themes of their lives, like The Man Cave (posts related to “manly issues”), The Bean (everything baby) and Confessions (a little of this and that).  Shortly after the birth of their son Katie wrote this wonderful post about focusing on your marriage even after the birth of a baby.


Wedding Date: June 1, 2005

Blog: www.marriageconfessions.com

How did you meet? Chris and I were high school sweethearts.  We started dating when we were 15 years old.

When did you know he was the one? I think I sort of always knew Chris was the one.  We were an odd match in high school and no one understood how or why we got together.  He broke my little high school heart numerous times, but I can remember thinking, “We’re so much bigger than this.”  When we went away to college, I realized that I didn’t want to spend my life without him.

What is one of your favorite things to do together? We love to go down to New York.  We live about an hour and a half away, so it takes some planning.  But nothing is better than spending a day in the city with Chris.  We go to museums or out to dinner or shopping.  My all time favorite day with him is packing a lunch, bringing the dogs (and now our son), and spending the whole day in Central Park.  When you are a tourist, you really don’t have time to waste in the Park, but it’s such a NY treasure.  It makes for a great day.

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? I had no idea he was such a creature of habit.  I mean, I knew he had his preferences and favorites, but I had no idea that he was so structured.  It makes for a nice match to me because I tend to be all over the place most of the time.  He keeps me grounded.

What do you do to stay connected during the everyday stresses of life? I think we’ve learned not to take anything for granted.  You can’t just assume your marriage will work for the next five years just because its worked for the past five years.  My parents taught me that.  You have to re-commit to each other every single day.  Making this commitment keeps us connected and helps us get past the little stresses that life brings.

What is your best piece of marriage advice? Never try to change your partner.  Allowing yourselves to evolve naturally and independently will keep excitement in your marriage.  Even now, after being together for 10 years, Chris and I both go through changes – in our routines, in our personalities, in our viewpoints.  I think the key to our marriage is that we celebrate our differences and our independence from each other.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? I think its cute that he’s so obsessed with our yard.  Its such a domestic trait that I would never

have expected him to have!  But every weekend he wakes up and goes out to yard for a few hours. It makes me smile.

What is something special you do just for your husband? Frying chicken.  When I was growing up, we baked everything.  We never fried.  But Chris grew up in a house with 3 Fry Daddys.  So,every now and then I’ll surprise him with homemade fried chicken.  I could live without it, but he loves fried chicken nights!

Tell us something about yourself. I am surprised every day at my life.  Every single day.  I never in my wildest dreams would have pictured this as the life I would be living.  Its nothing extraordinary, but it’s just fantastic.  I’m grateful every day.

If you are interested in being a featured newlywed couple leave me a comment, and I will get in touch with you.

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0 Responses

  1. Great job focusing on Chris and Katie–they are good people with a great blog (and a freaking adorable baby!)

    I am interested in being featured! My hubs and I will be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary next week and we welcomed our first child into our lives in April of this year.

    I have two blogs: I Can Grow People @ http://paintedpants.wordpress.com

    And a new one not totally focused on reproduction @ http://wifemomartistgeek.com

  2. Great choice – I love reading bloggers talk about themselves in a voice separate from the one the write in. It’s so interesting to see what they say about themselves when the info isn’t being presented on the blog in a post.

    I happen to be a newlywed… one year anniversary coming up in November. 🙂 Planning to start a family very soon!

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