Lets Meet the Newlyweds Brian and Allyson.  Allyson blogs at Blooming in the Garden State as you can guess the garden state is New Jersey. She blogs about their life together, lovely thrift shop finds, traveling, and running half marathons, (way to go).  She also shares about her mother’s journey through Chemo and cancer, she is a true inspiration.  Please be sure to check out her blog, now on the to interview.

Allyson & Brian

Wedding date: July 19, 2008

Blog (s): www.bloomingardenstate.blogspot.com

How did you meet? I met Brian’s DAD in an airport on a business trip.  There was only one seat left in a small airport bar/restaurant and he asked if he could sit with me and my boss.  We chatted for a while and he brought up his 4 children (I am also one of 4 kids).  When I mentioned I lived in Washington, DC he mentioned that he was on his way to visit his oldest son who lived there too.  It turns out though a series of coincidences his son and I had a lot in common!  He worked at the Federal Reserve (where a couple of my college classmates also worked) and he lived in the same apartment building as several of my friends!  Before I caught my flight he insisted on getting my business card and passed it onto his son who emailed me soon there after!  It took a couple months for us to actually meet but when we did we knew it was something very special!  Nine months after we met  he proposed and I said “yes!”.  Four months after that we got married!

When did you know he was the one? Actually, the very first time I met him I knew he was someone very special, we had an instant connection.  When he proposed he said “from the moment I met you I knew I wanted you to be my wife, will you marry me?!”  When I really, really knew was when we went to visit his family in Raleigh, NC.  I saw how much he loved his sisters and brother, respected his parents and how he is a leader in my family.  I knew he was the real deal!

What is one of your favorite things to do together? We love to travel together.  This spring we went to Paris and Dublin.  I have traveled with many good friends and I can say without hesitation, Brian is a great travel buddy!

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married?  I knew he needed “alone time” just to chill out after work/class/studying but what I didn’t realize was that I really value that too.  So maybe it’s what I learned about myself?!

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We exchange emails once in a while throughout the day but we really let each other focus on work at work or studying when he is at the library so we can be totally “present” with each other later in the day.  We always, always eat dinner together which is a great time to share a meal (that sometimes we prepare together) and talk about our days!

What is your best piece of marriage advice? Forgive one another and except one another exactly how they are.  Also, communication is KEY in our relationship.  Talking things out always works!

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? I don’t know if this counts but Brian has a little bit of a belly.  When I poke it gently he giggles like the Pilsbury dough boy!

What is something special you do just for your husband? Pack his lunches and bring him breakfast in bed!  I obviously don’t do the later very often but I am an early bird so it gives me something to do while he is waking up to the world.

Tell us something about yourself. I never thought I would live in New Jersey but I have realized the saying “it’s not where you are but who you are with that matters” is true for me!  I couldn’t be happier being married to my husband.  It’s been an incredible first year of marriage and I am excited about spending the rest of my life with him!  I am a management consultant with a passion for healthcare.

If you are interested in being a featured newlywed couple leave me a comment, and I will get in touch with you.

Please be sure to gather up your pumpkin posts and enter my pumpkin round-up next Monday the 19th see here for more details!

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0 Responses

  1. I love reading these posts!! How newlywed do you have to be to be featured? I don’t know if I really count anymore….

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