Meet the Newlyweds Adam and Lyndsey.  Lyndsey blogs at All things Fluffy Fashionable and famous. She is expecting her first, a baby girl and is due in just a few short weeks.  So her blog has had a very baby theme, rightly so.  From to decorating the baby room, recovering a rocking chair, birthing classes she’s blogging about it all.  She also loves fashion and celebrities.  Please be sure to check it out, now on to the interview!

derek & Lyndsey

Wedding date: April 12, 2008

Blog (s):
All things Fluffy Fashionable and famous

How did you meet? It’s really a long story but I moved in May 2005 to take a job in Georgia and I knew no one. He worked at the same company. He took me out and introduced me to some people. I thought he was good looking but I was dating someone and so was he! So we hung out a little over a week or so and then we lost touch! I got engaged to someone else in November, broke it off in March and ran into to Adam in April. We started hanging out in a group setting again. We were both single. By May we were flirting and showing interest and by June we were dating! It was a slow developing relationship on his end… but he came to his senses-ha! And we have been inseparable ever since.

When did you know he was the one? I knew he was the one about 3 months into our relationship. Once it got more serious, I realized I didn’t ever want to be without him! It’s usually around that 3 month mark that I begin to get really annoyed with little things… so I knew he was something special when I couldn’t find anything to be annoyed with. I just wanted to be with him all the time!

What is one of your favorite things to do together? .

We love nothing more than to spend a day on the lake together. We have a boat and we adore our quiet afternoons on the lake. When it’s just me and him, it’s the best! A close second would have to be, attend Auburn football games. We both bleed orange and blue!

What is something new you learned about your spouse after you were married?

I learned that he is a really good handyman! Before, I lived in an apartment so there wasn’t much handy stuff that we had to do on our own. But when we got married, we moved into a house that needed some work. He is very handy and a smart man! And that, my friend, is SEXY! 🙂

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life?

We text and email all day every day! If there’s something we need to tell each other we either text or email. We are never out of touch! And then when we get home, we talk a lot during dinner! We never don’t know what’s going on in each others lives. And I am a very TELL ALL kind of person and he has become more of one since we got married. So it works for us perfectly! Some people might think it’s annoying to talk all day, but it would feel weird if we didn’t!

What is your best piece of marriage advice?

Marriage is hard work. It’s all about give and take and compromise! That was a VERY hard lesson for me to learn. I matured so much in our first year of marriage. And so did he. It’s a learning process. Everyone’s marriage is different. Different things work for different people! We just knew going in that it would be tough (especially the 1st year) and we knew we wanted to be together forever and there was no giving up!

And it’s VERY important to know where you stand with each other. For instance, Adam and I know that we both put God first, then each other! WE are by no means perfect in our spiritual relationships with God, but we strive to be better every day!

What is your favorite quirk about your husband?

He irons EVERYTHING! Well not underwear or socks, but I NEVER iron, therefore, I am TERRIBLE at it and bless his heart he doesn’t expect me to iron for him. He does his own ironing and never complains about it! Special man to do that 🙂

What is something special you do just for your husband?

I was never much of a cook in college, but suddenly after I got married, I became (what I thought was) an awesome chef! And if you had any idea how picky I was you would really think this was special 🙂 I cook separate dinners for us every night so he doesn’t have to eat BORING meals. I eat the same thing week after week, because usually I am dieting and like I said I am terribly picky!! He always has a homemade meal and I love cooking it for him. It’s so “old school” I think!

Tell us something about yourself.

I am having our first child in October and we can’t wait! But you probably knew that by now! 🙂 Let’s see, I am an organization/clean/neat FREAK! I love DIY projects but then I quickly get impatient and want to give up! I am constantly wanting to renovate something! My husband would say I am never satisfied, I say I am just an extremely picky perfectionist! 🙂

If you are interested in being a featured newlywed couple leave me a comment, and I will get in touch with you.

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0 Responses

  1. Hi Lyndsey! I am a big fan of your blog! You and your hubs seem like such sweet people! I can’t wait for your little girl to be born and for you to share pictures with the rest of us!

    My husband irons everything as well…including under shirts. I personally find that! I am a big fan of the water mist and throw back in the dryer 🙂 He knows I am horrible too so he never askes me to do it either.

  2. LOVE the interview…I love reading her blog! I’m a newlywed (if it’s over a year does that still count?!?) and I could totally relate to the advice about marriage…hard work and lots of compromise!

  3. I love cooking for Husby too. I always swell with pride when he tells one of our friends or someone from work that he gets the best cooked meals from his wife every night.

  4. I found your CUTE blog through Lyndsey’s. I love your recipes, I’ll be trying some of them soon! We chronicle our day to day (and, I admit, my shopping) on our blog & we’d love to be featured here!

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