The only chick that hatched.

I am very sad to say.  I had such high hopes for the rest of the bunch.

But I think I have my problem figured out and hope for a much better hatch this time around, starting this morning to be exact.

So let me take you through the step by step, because I just know you want to know ever single detail.

Around 5 pm on Tuesday this little Barred Rocks egg pipped.  I was super excited finally after days of anticipation something happened.  She was a day late but I didn’t mind.

Then I checked her again around 2 am, I was excited and I didn’t sleep very well.  She had pipped through just a little more.

Then when I check again at 5:30 am, a little chick!  I was so excited, I couldn’t believe it.  She finally hatched.

She was sticky and gooey and flopped around everywhere.

Then a few hours later, she was drying up and you can see her gray coloring. Pieces of shell and all.

Then yesterday morning after waiting another day for the other eggs to hatch we finally set her up in a brooder.

Heat lamp, food, water and even a stuffed bunny to keep her company.

If you notice she still looks sticky and still has the piece of shell stuck to her.  So I decided to give her a warm bath and blow dried her fluff.

I think she looks alot better now!

DT’s dad will give us a baby chick that one of his chicken’s just hatched and she will have a little pal.

Seriously, could she be any cuter?

I am hoping she’s a she.

I did open all the un hatched eggs and sadly they were all fully developed but died for whatever reason.  I think my temps in the incubator were a little low and my humidity a little high.

But on a happier note.  Look at these beautiful eggs that will go in the incubator this morning.  Lots of different breeds and egg colors.

I post about the breeds later on.  I am so excited about these.

Did you count?  Thanks 49 to be exact.

Shhh don’t tell DT.

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16 Responses

  1. That’s so cool! And you’re right, she’s a cutie. 🙂

    btw – maybe I missed it, but where do you get the eggs? Are they different from the eggs that people eat? (that’s probably a really silly question, but I honestly have no idea! City girl here.)

  2. That is the coolest thing ever! I love the picture of Izzy sitting with her feet out and laying back, almost like she had just done the hardest thing in her life…oh wait she did! I can’t wait to see all you baby chickies come in the next round. That is so exciting!!!

  3. @Tabitha (From Single to Married),
    No not a silly question at all, I ordered these eggs from various breeders and they were all shipped to me. But yes people can and do eat fertilized eggs and most never know it.

    For us we don’t have a rooster so our eggs aren’t fertilized. As are all eggs you buy in the store as well.

  4. Sad that the rest of the chickies didn’t make it, but she is SO cute! I love that you were able to photgraph her first moments in the world. Sweet!

  5. Watching birds hatch is the neatest thing! We did the incubator one year when I was teaching preschool. One minute they are barely pecking through and the next minute there they are! I think we watched 3 hatch one morning. I’d love to do it again.

  6. You did good Mama! Izzy is just as cute as can be! Good luck on this next batch of babies!

  7. Every year here the third grade does an egg hatching unit. They get eggs from the county extension office and incubate them until they hatch. Oh you should see the excitement when they all come out! And then we have three days of peeping until the extension agent comes and picks them all up. Such fun. 🙂

    We just get plain yellow chicks though. Izzy is much prettier than that.

  8. I swear, newly hatched birds are one of those things that just ARE NOT cute. Once they dry off and fluff up a little they’re much less creepy looking 😉

    Sorry only one of them hatched! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that this next batch does better =D

  9. Bekah is right–I’m sure my grandma never gave her chicks a spa day, but I just HAD to clean a dirty rear on one of my gals and treated her to a warm bath and a cuddle with me. I’m so glad to know that I’m not the only one!

    Izzy is darling. I’m sure your next batch will yield lots of fluffies!

  10. Awwwwwwwwwwww! What a cute chickie! So they don’t need their mom after they are born? Well, duh, I suppose not! lol. What an incredible blog post! Loved this!

  11. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday
  12. Awwww, she is adorable!!! Baby chicks are always so fluffy!!!

    I cannot believe how many babies you have on their way!! Wow!! You are one big-time chicken raising mama!!

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