Look closely and come see what we (both boys) have been up to…..  Look how sweet and innocent and happy of a little boy I am (Little H).


Oh but wait, whats that, that between my eyes??  Could it possibly be a bite mark??? Can you see it, right there between my eyes?  But who would do a thing like that???


Not this sweet little innocent boy (Little W)!  Who Me?


Whom also donnes a similar bite mark near his ear.    So that leads me to none other then the conclusion that there must be a “biting fairy” in our house!


My two sweet “innocent” boys have come under the possession of the biting fairy.   Who seems to come out of the blue all of the sudden CLAMP, BITE, OUCH!  You think your getting a sweet little hug then a chunk out our your shoulder, forehead or thigh or what ever piece of meaty skin is next to the “biting fairies”.  The whole house has come under attack and we have the bruises to prove it.

Any hints or suggestions to get the “biting fairy” to leave?????

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22 Responses

  1. Eeek. I ignore when they bite me, unless it is hard. Then a firm no.

    But other kids, I would be at a loss. I guess just a firm no? Good luck!

  2. Oh no! Not a biting fairy!! LOL!! Graham has been biting too.. which is really bad since he is almost 2! I gotta nip that in the bud!

  3. Oh no!! Not the biting fairy!!! i have no idea what to do!! i am the sweet aunt who lets them do what they want haha!! but good luck!!!

  4. Well, even with the bite marks, they’re both still so adorable!!! One of the professional pics I had taken of Bella when she was a baby shows several bite marks on her arm, courtesy of Cole.

    The biting at this stage is probably due more to a teething issue and also lack of communication. They get frustrated and the easiest thing to do sometimes (in their little world) is to bite. For now, just keep reinforcing that biting is not okay. I’d usually just tell the biter, “owie, biting hurts…no biting” and then I’d show the biter what he/she did to the bitee and have them give kisses to the owie.

    With Landon the biting got out of control, he was actually drawing blood when he would bite Garrett. I finally had to start putting a little bit of white vinegar in his mouth every time he bit. That pretty much nipped it in the bud after a few times. He’d see me going to get the vinegar and he’d freak out. If it gets out of control and you can tell it’s out of aggression/frustration (and not just playing around), you may have to go the vinegar route.

  5. Oh boy, biting. I never knew how to cure that when my daughter was little. She never did but I ran a daycare and a couple of the kids there did. Good luck with that. Your boys are adorable.

  6. My daughter started biting us at around nine months old. Whenever she bit, we would firmly say “no biting” and pick her up and place her across the room from us. After about a week of this she stopped biting.

  7. In one of my preschool activity books, there is an activity that is supposed to discourage biting. I’m not sure where that book is off the top of my head, but the activity had something to do with sitting down with the kid (like each one individually) with a piece of bread. Then you have a conversation about teeth, and all the good and bad things they can do. Like it’s great that we can use them to eat our food, but we don’t use them on other people — and have them bite into the bread. Show them the indentation, and somehow relate that to someone’s skin. (?)

    I hope that’s helpful — I looked at that activity 2 years ago after my daughter bit the little boy (a 3 month old at that time!) that I babysit.

  8. Biting, ouch! I don’t have children, so my own advise would come from what my mom did to me. I agree with Catherine, soap was always punishment for swearing or biting…

    Just a personal note, Ivory isn’t too bad, but the one time I got my dad’s Lava soap, was the last day I ever swore in front of my parents.

    Cowgirl in the City

  9. Thanks everyone for the tips.

    I do mostly think they are biting just to bite and its not out of anger or frustration, I think it feels good on their teeth. For now when caught in a bite we just say a firm no and remove them from the situation.

    I would hate to use soap or hot sauce because they aren’t old enough (14 months) yet to realize really what they are doing, but if they are 2-3 and still doing it then maybe.

    Helene- good Idea with the vinegar I never thought of that one.

  10. I have read the Twilight series a couple times actually – I LOVE books! When you finish the series, I would love to chat about it!

  11. This is so cute. I can so see this as I have twin brothers who are 10 years younger than I am and I remember these days. 🙂

  12. My sister bit my mom when she was little- my mom bit her back- not hard, just enough to realize what it felt like- she never bit again- however, they do know it feels like because they are biting each other- they are too cute

  13. Oh no! Tell me what works incase I have a little “biting fairies” in my future! The boys are getting so big and still cute as can be! I can’t wait to see them!

  14. As hard as it might be to do this – bite them back. My sister and I were big biters for a while when we were little. Everything my mom tried, wouldn’t work. She bit us back, just ONE time and neither of us, ever bit again.

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