It snowed in South east Texas last week, setting the record for earliest recorded snow in Houston history.

So that means that everyone in the Houston area completely lost their frigging minds.  Schools were closed, people were let off of work early and we all got to enjoy the fabulous fun and cold snow.  In other words we played for hours on end in the snow, we don’t have the proper snow gear (because it Houston and it never snows), and we take an insane amount of pictures of everything covered in snow.  Well umm, hmm maybe its just me.

Any who.  Let me walk you through my fabulous snow day of 09!

My day all started when my mom called me about 7 am to go outside its already snowing.  I hopped out of bed put my robe and slippers on to go check it out.  I got some pictures and tasted some fresh snow falling.  Awesome I took no less than 50 pictures (because this might be it, you never know this is snow in Houston you see)

But at this time it was still melting as it hit the ground

Once the boys were up they loved looking out at the snow falling and were a bit confused that it wasn’t rain but snow.  Little H kept squealing rain rain rain.

around 9 am the snow was falling harder and starting to stick to the ground and everything else (I went out and took another 50 more pictures)

then around 10:30 there was enough snow for us to go outside and play in.  The boys were excited but not quite sure what to think of the snow

It made crunchy noises under our boots and was cold when it landed on our glove free hands (it’s true I don’t have any gloves for me or the boys, I am a horrible mother!)

They had fun catching the snow on their tongues

As for me like I said I have no snow gear so I was wearing DT big work boots

The boys had to pull out every riding toy

and I continued to take at least 75 more pictures

(please forgive the haze my camera did not like the cold)

After a good 25 minutes the boys and I were so cold we had to come in for some hot cocoa (aka chocolate milk)

Later that day after the boys were down for a nap I went back outside for some more pictures

This is our house covered with snow its a beautiful site to see.

and I found a beautiful rose in with all the snow

as well as our rain gauge which says 2 inches, because before the snow we had lots of rain

See the snow is still falling

and thoroughly covering our garden, which freaked me out a bit,  I was really nervous that we might have a complete loss of everything.

and even grapes in the beginning of December

The snow quickly melted away by saturday and now all I have is about 300 pictures and the wonderful memories of it all

So does it snow where you live?  Do you act a bit kooky when it does?

Do you take 500 pictures?  never mind don’t answer that.

Please share your wordless Wednesday post!!! Or in my case not so wordless post!

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Check out more wordless posts here, Life Down Our Lane, 7 Clown Circus , MomDot, Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, The Not-So-Blog Blog, Go Graham Go, Mom of 3 Girls,What’s that Smell?, Super Jenn, My Sippy Cup Runneth Over, Ordinary and Awesome, Jolly Mom, Blessings Abound and Moomette’s Magnificents.

or in this case  What Works for Me Wednesday

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21 Responses

  1. Love it-seriously!

    Wasn’t PW the best ever? I acted like a complete dork when I was talking to her, I’m sure she thought I was nuts. 😉

    Cute blog!

  2. Cool. I love the first snow pictures of the year. We all look excited and happy to see it. Not so much by the 87th snow of the season, though. =)

  3. I grew up in Houston, Texas (lived there for 19 years) and not once did I see snow! I am so jealous of the snow now that I live in Florida and it is guaranteed never to snow!

    Love all the pictures! So cute!!

  4. I live in the general area you do ~ just east of Houston. WE LOVED it! I also am a mommy of multiples, but my boys are 7…. and reading your antics just takes me back in time everytime!! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I’m in Katy (west of Houston), and almost 16 years ago it snowed like this. I called my babysitter and had her wake my then-2-year-old up from his nap and take him outside — who knew how long the snow might last or when it would happen again? As a transplanted Yankee, I find so much joy in watching a cafeteria full of “cool” high schoolers rush to the windows in excitement (boys and girls alike) as those beautiful, fat flakes begin to fall. Who cares if no work gets done? They might be 32 before they see this again!! Those pictures you took? Trust me, you’ll pull them out year after year and remind them “See, you have been in snow! You just don’t remember…”.

    Me? I just stood an watched it fall …. and kind of felt 16 again myself.

    (My peppers and squash, they’re not so happy about the snow. They may be a total loss … time will tell).

  6. Love that you and your boys enjoyed the snow so much! we’re currently in the midst of a “blizzard” … and yes, it snows here regularly.

    My hubby grew up in the lake effect zone surrounding one of the great lakes and getting 4-5 FEET of snow on a given day was not out of the ordinary for him!

    We LOVE snow 🙂

  7. WOW! I grew up in and around Houston and I remember it snowing in ’94 and ’04. That is wild. We are in Arkansas now and it’s just now starting to snow. We have a constant flurry right now, leading into an actual snow. It does snow yearly here, which I love, but it’s very random.

  8. Yes, it snows all the time here! It may be a little too much for me, but I’d never be able to convince my husband to move. He loves his family and hunting and being outdoors too much to ever leave. I’m glad you all had a good time in the snow! 🙂

  9. The boys look like they had so much fun! I’m glad your garden was ok though. We live in snow country so it gets a little old for us around January. Although, we always get excited for the first snow. I just did a post about what we did with our snow day!

  10. Uh! I didn’t see this post, I’m over from your bullets link! How Cool! (literally, lol) VERY cute pics…but…your poor garden!

  11. Pingback: Bullet Point Day

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