This week has been a surprise and a half.  First things first it was my first official full week as a stay at home mom, then we got a flat screen tv, then we went to the zoo.  We also purchased a dell desktop (thanks for all the suggestions) and it came in yesterday, then we got chickens!!!  Yes chickens, the cluck, cluck live variety that will supply us with eggs all year long.

It’s been a life long dream of mine to have egg laying chickens, ok maybe not life long, but I’m super thrilled.

I want to listen to their clucking and sprinkle feed in the yard and let them roam freely around our yard.  I want my dogs and chickens to play together in harmony. I want people to think of me as that crazy chicken lady, and I want DT to shake his head in embarrassment, even more than then he already does.

I want to fetch my chickens’ eggs in the evenings and make my favorite quiche. I want to be forced to make egg salads, angel food cakes, pies and casseroles because I have more eggs than I know what to do with. I want brown eggs and beige eggs and blue eggs and green eggs.  Yes there is a variety of chicken that lays blue and green colored eggs named Easter Eggers.

This dream of mine was not shared by DT only until very recently.  I am still unsure of the change, but I went with it.  I immediately contacted his parents, and in 2 days they arrived with 4 beauties just for us. They are a mix of Production and Game chickens, so their eggs tend to be a light pinkish color.

My dream is now a reality!

Eventually we would like them to roam freely in the yard, but we are not so trusting of our dog Skeeter at the moment, he is a bit of a bird dog!

So we had to quick shift make a chicken coop, and the best place we found was our compost pile.  Which is located under our playhouse and has four sides we (DT) can easily cover with chicken wire and a covered top.

Also the chicken poop will also do wonders for our composting materials and our garden and the chicken in return will love all the compost scraps, its a win win.

So let’s meet the crew (in pecking order):

First we have Tail Feather- she is the leader of the pack and the oldest, she was aptly named because she is missing most of the feathers on her hind end, and only has a few tail feathers.  She had a unfortunate run in with a mean rooster who plucked her feathers.

Then we have Ms. Buttersworth- and I can’t explain how she got this name and it due to possibly change, but its her name for now.

Her and Tail Feather are the only of laying age now.

Then we have Cheap- she loves to pick on poor peep

Here’ s Peep- and poor thing all the other chickens love to pick on her.  So naturally she is my favorite, I tend to love the underdogs.

Both Peep and Cheap are only a few months old and won’t be laying for a few months.

Here’s some pictures of there new pad

And lookie here after only a few minutes of DT setting up their new laying boxes

We had 2 surprises

I think the chickens will be happy at there new home.

I know I feel like a kid on christmas morning with all my new toys!

God is good!

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18 Responses

  1. how great! I love fresh eggs!

    also, glad to hear you’re joining in for the chef’s challenge, and you enjoyed the muffin recipe!

  2. My niece the farm girl! I can’t wait to tell them at school this morning. I’m guessing Ms. Buttersworth because of her color like the syrup. I thought the name matched her feather color. What do the boys think of them? Chickens are not my favorite, we had them when I was little and your dad and Slim would get them to chase me and peck my bottom. But I will gladly help you with any surplus eggs.

  3. How wonderful to have such a great place for your gardening and for chickens and compost piles!!! Your chickies are cute, too, love those names!

  4. I can not believe you got chickens! That is awesome that ya’ll will have fresh eggs now. How are the boys liking the chickens? Aiden is going to think we took him to a farm when we go visit you now! I love it though! Good Luck!

  5. I’m glad your happy with your new chickens! I’ve been buying a ton of eggs lately with my new little “adventure” – maybe you could be my supplier one day! LOL!

  6. Cool beans! my uncle has chickens and he gets all those colors of eggs. We are the lucky recipients of those eggs sometimes- it is so fun!

  7. We got chickens a while back too although we are in the opposite position, my hubby was all for it and I was not so sure. Have yours starting laying yet? We’ve had ours about 6 weeks and they haven’t start laying. We wanted them outside too, but we had to put them in a coop for the same reason — our dog. She got one of them 🙁

  8. Pingback: Chicken News
  9. we bought 20 baby chicks about 2 months ago. My husband built a coop on top of an old wagon frame so it could be moved around in the yard. We let them out every morning.We have both fallen in love with them. They are so entertaining to watch!

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