I can’t believe it has been 8 years ago today when our country had the single most tragic terrorism attack.

8 years ago just seems like yesterday, I was 19 and attending our local junior college, getting ready to go to class when I was watching the news that 1 plane flew into the World Trade Center.  And the newscasters were imagining all different scenarios of how that could have happened.  And then suddenly here comes another plane, and immediately they knew it was am act of terrorism.  I was so worried but rushed off to class, not one word was spoken during class and I wondered if anyone else knew what was going on.  Then later I went to my part-time job at the Insurance office and we watched the news coverage the rest of the day.  We were shocked and horrified as people were jumping/falling out of the buildings, and then the buildings crashed and we knew, none could survive that.  Though all the tragedy that occurred that day I do remember a sense of country, unity and comradery.  Flags were all about, and people seemed nicer to one another, I even put a flag sticker on the back of my then new red grand am.

Some much has happened in the 8 years since, but we have not forgotten that day nor will we ever.  Wow, 8 years, it just flew by. 

And then when I think what will things be like 8 years from now in 2017.

The boys will be 9 years old,  I will be 35, DT 41.

Will we have more children?

What house will we be living in?

Will I still be a Stay at home mom?

What job will DT have?

Questions that only time will answer!

So how does today affect you?  Did you remember?  Where were you 8 years ago today?

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0 Responses

  1. Strange. Our lives were very much the same 8 years ago. My mother called me EARLY and woke me up. We were on the west coast, so early morning back east is EARLY morning our west. I had jsut moved from the dorms into an apartment. It was still the beginning of the school year. I had a 9am class. I dragged myself to it, but the teacher turned us back home.

    But this 9/11 seems a bit different than the past 7. A co-worker I really like lost her husband. He was on the Pennsylvania flight. She lost her first husband to bone cancer and then her second husband to this. And she’s one of the move vibrant people I know. I’m much more emotional this year because of her and because I just can’t imagine going through what she has gone through. THey were on separate flights. She got there, he didn’t. Can you imagine? I think it just shows you what sheer hell people can live through. THe fact that she has emerged as wonderful as she is (remarried now, 4 kids; 1-year old twins, a 3 or 4 year old, and an older adopted child) is just a testament to humanity’s endurance.

  2. I will always review that day. I was on my way to work. When I got there, we watched the second plane hit the tower on the internet…that is…before CNN went down. Then we got sent home because we worked across the street from the Federal building and the Attorney General was supposed to be there that morning. Very, very scary time.

  3. I was at WCJC in class. Some students walked in and started talking about it. The teacher rolled in with a TV and that was class. We were able to go home early and be with our families. It is hard to imagine that it has been 8 years ago. It was crazy driving to work on 9/11 and hearing the songs that came out right after the tragedy, and how we still hear them pretty regularly on the radio.

  4. I was getting ready for work and I was watching the news and all of a sudden it was being covered on every station. I watched as much as I could until I had to leave for a meeting. I remember as my co-workers and I carpooled to the meeting, which was an hour away, we listened to the radio and just kept praying. I just remember being so scared for our country and wondering what else was going to happen.

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