Last week I turned 29, and this morning I stumbled across Joy the Bakers, 30 before 30 list, thought it was a genius idea, so I’ve created my own 30 before 30.  I have a whole year to complete my list, although some of the items seem a little daunting, but I will *fingers crossed* complete them.

As far as turning 30, it hasn’t freaked me out too much…. yet.  Then again I still have a whole year to be freaked out, but so many women I love and admire are 30 and +, so it can’t be all bad, right??

30 Things to do before 30

Publish 1 recipe I’ve created.

Buy 2 new outfits to wear to 2 new places.

Buy 3 strangers their morning coffee.

Make friendship casserole for 4 friends.

Make 5 new friends.

Mail 6 hand-written letters.

Compliment 7 strangers.

Run 8 miles straight.

Send 9 of my favorite books to 9 of my favorite people.

Pick 10 people who comment (on this post) and send them something.

Take the boys on 11 new adventures.

Give away 12 hatching eggs.

Send 13 postcards to 13 blog readers.

Tip my waitress $14 above average.

Leave 15 nice comments on 15 other blogs.

Make (at least) 16 cupcakes for a friend.


Enjoy 17 sunsets.

Visit 18 new places; restaurants, neighborhoods, cities.

Make a CD of 19 of my favorite songs.

Plant a garden with 20 different vegetables, herbs, and fruits?

Do 21 push-ups, not the modified version.

Buy 22 lottery tickets, using lucky number 22.

Make and give 23 egg ornaments for Christmas.

Take and develop 24 pictures.

Make 25 new to me foods.

Take 26 zumba classes.

Clean my closet and give away 27 things.

Donate 28 bottles of shampoo/conditioner/paper towels etc to our local blessing cup.

Lose 29 pounds.

Enjoy a bottle of wine that costs at least $30 dollars.

Are you 30?  How did you handle it?  If not yet, will you make a 30 before 30 list???

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41 Responses

  1. Love the idea! You made it to 29 before me, so I have a little more than a month to think of my own 30 before 30 list.

  2. sounds like something i should do….i just turned 29 on the 18th….don’t you just hate that…Our last year in our 20’s 🙁 all i can say is that i’m definitley going to go with the saying that the 30’s are the new 20’s, LOL…and by the way taking 26 ZUMBA classes sould be easy and super fun, now that it’s being offered at many different times here in EC!! I started Zumba classes and LOVE them, so doesn’t feel like excercise…all you do is dance and have fun, all while shredding calories!!!

  3. Oh my gosh! This is such a stinking cute idea. I need to copy it but I am worried I will be 38 this Dec. Can I do up to 38 of something???? Love the post and the picture of your boys is absolutely adorable. Have a great summer. I am thinking my little olive eggers will start laying any day. We still have 8/9 we only lost one to a darn critter.

  4. 30 is not so bad. Especially with a great husband and wonderful kids. Now, 40…I’m not so sure about. But I have 9 1/2 more years till I have to deal with that.

  5. Sigh. I turn 30 in less than 6 months. I thought about a 30 before 30 list, but decided that I’d focus on “30 and healthy.” So that’s what I’m doing! And, since my birthday is 2 weeks before New Year’s, hopefully my resolution for 2012 will not be “get fit and weigh less” (AGAIN). Woo!

    I love your list. It’s very goal- and others-oriented. Very loving and wonderful!

  6. LOVE the idea!!! I will be 29 in November so I have a little more time to complete the list, but thinking I shuld get working on making one. Seems to get you out and about more, but I feel the same nervousness about getting some of the items on my list achieved 🙁

  7. I love the idea, I turn 30 in October, I need to come up with a few things to do before I turn the big 30! thanks for the idea!!!

  8. Love this Jenna!!! Being 30 is awesome and a ton of new adventures and achievements lie ahead. But you can do it I have Faith!!! I had a harder time with 20 than 30. Good luck and look forward to seeing you in Zumba!!!

  9. Love this post- great list!!! You rock girl and your thirties will be even more fabulous than your 20’s!
    Come visit us soon- Help out with #18 😉

  10. Turning 29 was worse for me than 30 LOL – because I was totally freaking that I was going to be 30 “next year” and by the time I turned 30, I was over it. I turn 32 on Wednesday.

    I love your list – great idea!

  11. Love your list! I turn 29 this year too, and planned to make my own 30-30 list. What a great idea of making the list so exact – have fun!

  12. @Melissa, Yes Melissa, hope you do one, you will think of something, just do 38 or something you do almost everyday anyways, lol.

    Glad the OE are doing well, so how many pullets and roosters did you end up with. Hope you will share pictures of the eggs once they start laying, so exciting!!

  13. @Liz, I see you just made the big 3-0 yourself. Your right with great people in your life, how could it be bad!

  14. @Jessika, Thanks Jessika, I so agree on the getting fit and healthy, great goals, I included a few in mine, that seem easy, but in reality will take tons of training and hard work.

  15. @DAHLIA, Hi Dahlia, so glad you commented!! It feels good to have a list, though I am bit of a list person. Let me know what you include on your list.

  16. @Sweet Pea, Good. We have just been so busy here and at home. Ladybug is growing like a weed. She is way too smart for her own good and it is a challenge for us to stay ahead of her.

  17. I don’t think I’ve heard of this before. But I love your list! Wish I was the waitress getting the $14 tip!

  18. Sweat Pea, I’m 48 and, I have to admit, I really did enjoy turning 30. However, it sounds like you are going to have much more fun with it. This is great!

  19. Believe it or not, I will be 38 this September. I actually got the best compliment at church Sunday from a sweet friend I know in choir who thought I was 28! 🙂 Being healthy has it’s rewards, and i loved that!

    When I turned 30 however, it was the hardest year I had ever dealt with. I had a lot of growth to do ~ mentally, emotionaly, spiritually. I had twin boys who were 1 and a 4 year old. It was a busy year, but one I would never trade with anyone else. It was a stepping stone that has brought me to where i am today. I challenge you to EMBRACE it whole heartidly!

  20. @Mrs. Sheila, Your right that is an awesome compliment, I am pretty sure no one would mistake me for 19 anymore, lol!! I think this will be a year of growth for me as well.

  21. I recently celebrated the fourth “anniversary” of my 29th birthday 😉 ~ all kidding aside, 30’s are great!!

  22. I love this idea! I agree with the getting healthy and having fun! I just rejoined the gym after my 29 birthday! I took a class the other day that was like the same class we took back in college with a different name! So hopefully I can see the similar results 7 years later! ha I am going to try Zumba as well! 🙂

  23. LOVE this idea! I turned 30 this past year, but might have to make a “31 things to do before turning 31” list!

  24. Pingback: The big 30!

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