So this morning I set my alarm for 5:30 so I have plenty of time to do the video, shower, and get me and the boys ready to go for work.  And guess what happened, it worked out great, yes you heard that! Great!

Picture this here I am starting the video, eyes barely open, sports bra on and my sponge-bob boxer shorts and no shoes – don’t laugh I was styling.  And Jillian talks about no pain no gain, its only 20 minutes you have to work hard, blah blah blah or so I am thinking at 5:30 am.

We start off stretching, I needed that. Then she goes straight into 3 minutes strength training with weights, then 2 minutes cardio like jumping jacks or jump roping, then 1 minute abs.  To be honest the abs because your laying on the floor almost felt like a small break, the rest of the time,  I was huffing and puffing.  WOO that was a workout.  Then just as I am thinking how much more she says this is the last bit and then cool down stretching, and it went by amazingly fast!!  That’s always a sign of good things.

I used 3 lbs weights and did most everything full out, except modified(on my knees) push ups.

So day 1 is a success, but lets see how sore I am going to be tomorrow.

If you interested in what this 30 day shred is check out this post.

Also if anyone is interested in joining me along this work out journey I would love it.  So far I’ve had a few thinking about it, so come on make the jump, or shred!

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6 Responses

  1. I have started the 30 day shred as well! I made it through day 4, but since I will be gone for a week, I plan to start back on day 1 once I get back. I was so unbelievably sore after day 1, but it definitely got better – I’m excited to think of the results I could see after 30 days!

  2. I have had the DVD for a couple of months now, still in its shrink wrap. I am glad you had such a successful day! Maybe I will open it up and just go for it.

  3. Lori- yes just hand weights and a mat if your working out on a hard surface.

    Kristen-I am so worried about how sore I’m going to be, eek!

    Rachel- bust it out and go for it. let me know how it goes.

  4. You go girl, rock it out!! I didn’t do the Shred today but I pretty much walked all of Manhattan, so I consider that my workout!

    One question though…did it hurt your feet/ankles not wearing athletic shoes? I’m scared to do it barefoot…

  5. Wow, 5:30 is early! Good for you, though. Once you can start to see (or FEEL) results you will be really inspired to keep it up.

    My husband and I are planning to run a marathon next weekend that we’ve tried to train for while pushing two double strollers w/ our 4-yo triplets and 1-yo toddler. Oddly enough, during all of this training, I’ve actually gained about 5 pounds. Probably because McDonald’s is our mid-way stopping point and while the kids play, we eat vast quantities of french fries and drink milkshakes…

    Yeah. I’m quite the athlete. 🙂

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