Let’s Meet Sean and Beka.  Beka’s blog From Diamonds to Vows was started when she was engaged and planning the wedding and now she shares all about their lives after marriage.  She blogs about politics and work, married life and some super cute wedding DIY ideas.  Be sure to check it out.

I just love the location of their reception, it reminds me so much of mine.

And a closer picture of the cute couple.

Wedding date: April 25, 2009

Blog (s): http://fromdiamondstovows.blogspot.com

How did you meet? We were in high school together- he was the captain of the basketball team, I was a cheerleader.  But he hated me back then.  Fast forward a few years to Speech class in college, where we bonded over shared hatred of our professor.  He steadily wormed his way into my life while I was dating another guy until one night shortly after I’d broken up with the boyfriend, he confessed he loved me.  I paused just long enough to realize that I loved him too, and we’ve been together ever since.  It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s been worth it.

When did you know he was the one? There was never a specific moment for me (I’ve now outed myself as the least romantic woman in the world!).  It was just the compilation of a million moments along the way that added up to us being together- the weekend visits we managed while in a four-year long distance relationship, my grandma’s funeral, his college graduation, birthdays, holidays and anniversaries…

What is one of your favorite things to do together? Many evenings, we cook dinner together and talk. Or mostly, I do the cooking, and Sean hands me knives or pans, and we just catch up on how each other’s days were.  We enjoy going out for dinner but I think we have some of our best chats while we’re cooking dinner.

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? I haven’t loaded my dishwasher since we got married.  When we were dating/engaged, he always helped cook and then help clean up- ever since we got married though, I’ll get done fixing dinner and he’ll start cleaning up as soon as we’re done eating.  I love it because I didn’t have to ask him to (bonus!) and it gives me time in the evenings to sit and read, blog or watch sappy TV (Bachelorette, hello!)

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We both travel a lot for work so when we’re home in the evenings, we take long walks and talk- sometimes about serious things, sometimes about not-so-serious things.  We also take lots of trips to get away just the two of us, no blackberries, laptops or ever-growing pile of laundry (bane of my existence!).

What is your best piece of marriage advice? Be patient.  I always try to remember that “this too will pass”- whether it’s something external that’s putting a strain on us, one of us working a lot of hours, us just not getting along, whatever it may be, I think being patient with each other and with the situation allows us to hear what the other person is saying instead of just getting angry or frustrated. Now I need to take my own advice…

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? While we’re sleeping, he’ll reach over and pull me against him.  I generally wake up several times during the night because he’s pulling me over, and our mattress is starting to sag from both of us sleeping in the middle of the bed instead of on our own sides- but I don’t mind because every time he wakes me up to tug me closer, it makes me smile.

What is something special you do just for your husband? I get my hair highlighted.  I have dark brown eyes so I prefer my hair a little darker, but when we first met, I was platinum blonde and he loves it.  So I get my hair highlighted blonde for him… and maybe a little bit for me because I love his reaction when I walk in from my appointment 🙂

Tell us something about yourself. I love dark chocolate and white wine, prefer the mountains over the beach, winter over summer but generally think fall and spring are the best times of year, and think that this whole “being married” thing- while we’ve only done it for about a year and a half now- is pretty darn awesome.

I am still in search of couples so please If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

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