It’s that time of year again to get those lovely fall veggies in the ground.  We started last by tilling the ground and adding in some compost.  Then DT tilled up rows and I planted, and planted and planted.  It seems that I have somehow convinced DT that I know what I am doing, and thus he lets me do work now, as opposed to before I would stand around map out the garden and take pictures.

How did this happen?  I like the old system better.

We still have okra and peppers growing like mad, so we left them.  That and because other wise I couldn’t make my new favorite meal, Cajun chicken pasta. See the thing is you get so use to never having to buy peppers that when you do actually run out and need some for a recipe, it’s almost torture to have to buy them, so I avoid that at all costs, instead I just let my peppers grow for about 6+ months.

Ok I digress just a bit.

We bought lots of plants this year and only a few seeds, it just easier (for us).  We also downsized our garden a bit this year to make it slightly more manageable and a little less variety.

We planted broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, carrots, shallots, spinach and swiss chard.

I have mentioned this before but one the best things we have done for our garden is incorporated our chicken litter as fertilizer.  What I mean exactly is in our chicken coop we spread out pine shavings, about every 3 months we clean out the old shavings and put them in our compost pile.  In our compost pile also goes, leaves, veggies/fruit scraps, egg shells, etc.  We let this sit for 6+ months, the chickens do a great job turning, scratching and milling through it during the sit time.

Then I will laboriously(ok it’s not that hard, I just like that word), scoop it up in a wheel barrel and spread it out in the garden.  Also when I plant each plant I add a little to the hole as a mulch/fertilizer.  So it’s dual purpose and the plants just love it.

Let me share a few pictures of the garden with you.

Here is DT tilling the garden, you can see the tall Okra, and slightly sad looking peppers.

After we planted and DT put up the rows.

On the first row is cabbage, and the bare row we planted carrot seeds.

Some broccoli plants.

In the corner of the garden, we set off a little square for our (hopefully) continuous shallot garden.  In our old garden we planted about 5-6 shallots that grew on their own and came back year after year, I am hoping this will happens with these.

a back view of the garden.

So have you planted your fall garden?  If so what do you look forward to most?

This post is listed @ From my tiny Kitchen, “Gold Star Wednesday”

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8 Responses

  1. I’m always so impressed with your garden – it is beautiful! I will come to you for lots of advice once I’m finally able to dig a plot 🙂

    Thank you for linking to Gold Star Wednesday!

  2. Oh, oh, I’m so jealous!!! I tried planting a few things this past spring, but we only have an apartment so I had to put them in containers on the patio. My strawberries died without producing a thing, my pumpkins got ravaged by mites and mildew, and my green peppers are still alive but haven’t produced anything bigger than a votive candle. I guess I’ve got a lot to learn! –

  3. Your fall garden looks great. We still have some tomatoes and okra that are producing until frost. We have planted some turnip greens that are doing really well. I am hoping to have them on our table at Christmas Dinner.
    Thank you for sharing your garden, I enjoyed your post.

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