Well it looks like I have a bit of a problem.  DT and I went to the local farmer’s co-op yesterday.  To get chicken and dog feed, only.  Well they had a bin full of new little chickies!!!  And not just plain on Ameracauna’s (like we got last week) they had buff orpington’s and silver laced wyandottes.

I know you thinking who cares, a chicken is just a chicken.

But see lately I’ve had these vision on living on a farm raising my multi-mix of chickens.  Of all shapes, colors and varieties.  It’s fun I tell ya, it’s fun.  My little dream world.

But recently since we live in the city this living dream of my is coming true. We already have 8 chickens and 2 ducks.

In my theory of things, we are already housing little chicks and ducks, what’s two more?

Lucky for me DT was easy to convince and now we are the proud owners of two more little bitty chicks.

Meet Lacy the Silver laced Wyandotte. Here’s a little Silver laced wyandotte tidbit.  Wyandotte are known for their easy going personalities and being prolific egg layers.  As well as the silver laced wyandotte has one of the most beautiful laced looking feathers.  I just can’t wait for this gal to grown up.  She has already taken to the ducks, I think she thinks they are her mommy, so cute.

*we already have 5 white Wyandottes, you might remember Sally and Pesky.

Meet Buffy (real original I know) the Buff orpington.  Buff Orpington’s are also big friendly and beautiful with golden colored feathers they are also prolific egg layers and have wonderful personalities.  Little buffy is a shy sleepy little thing, though she loves to be held.  So knowing me, this is a good thing.

As you can see Ming Ming and Daffy have grown quite a bit.  They are the leaders of the group, and the messiest drinker’s you’ve ever seen.  They are very nervous around me, but I am working with them to help them be very gentle.  We think they are Pekin Ducks, but aren’t quite sure.  I guess we will find out soon enough.

As well as Penny and Hadlee (our Ameraucanas you know the green or blue egg layers) its crazy what a week and few days will do.  Most of all their adult feathers are coming in, and they are acting more and more like chickens everyday.  They are still both very shy and scared of me, but I am working with them.

We’ve also moved the chicks and ducks to our garage, and I am so much happier,  oh the smell… Be gone.

I promise this will be my last post about the chickens and ducks.

*Oh who am I kidding!!

So please tell me if you had the space and could, would you raise chickens?

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13 Responses

  1. I’d love to have some chickens. We live in the “boondocks” but in the city limits. I’m not sure if I need a permit or not. My husband and I considered raising chickens several months ago and after weighing the cost of keeping them fed and housing them against the amount of eggs we’d receive, we figured it wasn’t worth it. But I’m still not convinced. I really want homegrown eggs and the manure would be awesome for the garden!

  2. Chicken lady! I LOVE IT! I’m waiting to see how year 1 goes. Hopefully the girls will move into the hen house early next week, and I can have my laundry room back.

    OH, and silver laced… and buffs…. SO JEALOUS!!

    I can’t wait to hear how duck eggs taste. I think ducks are so darn cute.

  3. I’m gonna have to go with…no. Don’t hope to raise chickens in this lifetime. Maybe that will change someday when I’m not cleaning up after a 4, 2, and 1 year olds’ messes. We lived with my mother-in-law for 8 months and she had chickens. They were pretty much worthless and she ended up canning them! Way too much work when I can grab eggs at the store…. The only animal I hope to have will be a small housedog, and even then, maybe not!

  4. I’d totally raise chickens if I didn’t live in an apartment! We get fresh eggs from my in-laws and when they’re having a slow laying period I get so sad when I have to BUY eggs. They just aren’t the same!

  5. THe silver laced wynadottes are so beautiful. So are the buff orpingtons. I want to get some of those this year, along with some more easter eggers. People really love those blue eggs. We have easter eggers, black australorpes, rhode island reds, and barred rocks right now. Pretty standard assortment, but they lay the prettiest variety of eggs. Cute chicks!

  6. I’ll take the eggs…but only if the chickens don’t come with then. My younger daughter is so allergic to cats and dogs…I am pretty sure she’d react to chickens too.

  7. They are cute, but I’d never have them! I don’t think I’d want them around once they were bigger!

  8. I know that I would like home eggs – but I’m not sure that it’s legal in our area – nor am I aware of how much work it would involve. And since MO is so full of pleasant weather – that idea isn’t very exciting to me.

    I think I’ll just look for a local source -that is, if I can ever be organized enough to plan on the extra shop-stop. ha!

  9. I would love to have chickens!!
    I love your simple chicken coop! Now that you have more chickens do you still have them there or did they need more room??

    I’m gonna go get some little peeps!

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