*Don’t forget to stop by and enter to win the Book One and The Same*

Its week 19 of our garden and we finally harvested our wonky cauliflower and second crop of broccoli.

It was the perfect amount to feed the family for dinner.

Though it wasn’t the prettiest or largest cauliflower ever, it had weird long shoots, and some brown spots.

But with our super wet and cold winter this year we didn’t have the best garden.  Though it has taught me a lot about the vegetables and I probably should have picked these a week or two ago.  The sun causes the browning, which is why we covered them with the outer leaves and rubber bands.  But they were covered for so long that the weird shoots starting growing towards the sunlight.  Lesson learned.  Though they sure did taste great!

We also have other exciting new on the farm (its feeling more and more like one everyday).

DT brought home 2 Ameracauna chicks, and 2 ducklings not sure of the breed.

I am so excited (about the chicks)  in about 20 or so weeks we will have blue or green eggs from our two chicks (a lifelong dream of mine).

Aren’t they cute?

But not nearly as cute as the ducks.

I will admit I was sort of mad at DT for getting the ducks, they weren’t part of the plan and what the H*ll are we going to do with two ducks?

But then I looked closer at them with their cute webbed feet and little nubby wings, and sweet little bills, and I figure we can make a little room for them.

The boys on the other hand we expectantly excited!!  And couldn’t wait to get their hands on the new crew.

But don’t worry they were gentle with them.

And tonight we have set them up their own safe and secure boxed in cage with a heat lamp and plenty of food and water.

I just went to check on them and they are best of buds laying together sweetly cuddled up.

This will be fun!  I am being positive.

I will be posting weekly of the garden so please click on each week for more details. week 1, week 2, week 4 , week 7week 8, week 12, week 14, and week 16

This post is listed @

My Romantic Home“Show and Tell Friday”,

Carrie’s “Foto Story Friday”

Amy’s “Finer Things Fridays”

Canada Girl, “Show and Tell Friday”,

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Carrie

he Inspired Room “Its a beautiful Life Friday”

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21 Responses

  1. I’m worried now! I life long dream to have blue and green eggs???? lol They are so cute and the boys will have so much fun with them. Can’t wait to hear what you have named them!

  2. Am I weird for loving the bits of red in your first shot? I love it!!

    Your fuzzy little friends are adorable. How very fun for the small people in your house!

  3. The farm store near me has chicks. Silver-laced wyandottes, and it is taking a LOT of willpower for me not to go and get 5 of them. We have our 10 girls (hopefully girls), but there are a LOT of people clamoring for eggs.

    Your ducks and chicks (and boys) are adorable. I think baby ducklings are perhaps one of the cutest farm animals. Those beaks! Those feet! The fuzziness! Sigh!

  4. How wonderful! I am still jealous every time I read about your garden that you are able to have a harvest in the middle of winter! Judging by the snow pouring down outside my window, I don’t think ANYTHING could survive here 🙂 … but it makes me look forward to May when we will plant! The chicks are so cute, too. The boys look like we love them. We’ve only got three chickens right now, but are planning to get more in the spring. Are all your chickens for laying or do you have any for meat? So far, ours are only for laying but we’re thinking of raising some for meat.

  5. @Jessika, Get some Jessika you know you want to, haha ha. Don’t worry I am still trying to justify why I need 2 more chickens and now 2 ducks, lord help me.

  6. @Lucy Marie, Lucy, yes its a winter garden though it didn’t do that great compared to last year. So glad you have chickens, as for ours they are our pets/laying chickens, I don’t think I could bare to eat them though, I get too attached.

  7. Oh my goodness..those little chickies and ducks are precious. And, your boys with them? Even better!

    PS The book with the recording is from Hallmark.

  8. I clicked over here from Cecily’s Photo Story Friday link-up, and I’m so glad I did! We’re in an apartment right now, but I dream of someday raising free-range chickens that lay tasty multi-colored eggs. And those ducklings are absolutely adorable.

  9. Your veggies looked fabulous! I wish I had the patience to grow a garden. It seems so rewarding, but I just can’t get into it. I enjoy seeing others’ success, like yours. WTG, mama!

    Those chicks and ducks are just darling! My girls would flip over those pets!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂

  10. OMGOSH look at those little chicks and ducklings! SO SO Swweeet! I studied your cauliflower posts in hopes that when I finally get to planting season here, I can do it right.

  11. Awww I love the ducklings and the chicks. My grandparents always had chickens growing up and those were some of my best memories when they would get a bunch of new chicks. So sweet. Good luck and I hope they produce lots and lots of wonderful eggs for you!

  12. Ya’ll have more animals!! We have to go visit ya’ll!! Aiden loves his rubber ducky who he calls it “d-d”!! We miss ya’ll we most go to your “farm” soon!! Ha

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