Let’s Meet Matt and Dara.  Dara blogs at Picture This… she chronicles some of her photography work as well as major life accomplishments like Matt’s Graduation from Graduate School (at A&M way to go, Gig’em Aggies).  Since graduation Matt has been on the job hunt and just recently started a blog Application for Rejection, and his first post is a great one, check it out.

Wedding date: November 4, 2006

Blog (s):

Dara’s Blog: http://darasnoplacelikehome.blogspot.com/

Matt’s Blog: http://applicationforrejection.blogspot.com/

Website: daramayphotography.com

How did you meet?

We met while we were working together in college as dorm RA’s.  We always knew each other and had mutual friends, but one day it just clicked that we should be dating. He had actually jokingly proposed to me a year or so before we ever dated, when I look back at that now, I think to myself if I had only known where we would be today and that we would really be married, it makes me laugh.

When did you know he was the one?

I actually knew when we first started dating. I knew that if I dated him that I would marry him. He was my prince charming from day one.

What is one of your favorite things to do together?

We love to travel, play the wii (his favorite), just hang out at home and watch tv/movies.

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married?

Matt is pretty much an open book. He didn’t hide anything from me so when we got married I knew about most of his little quirks. I know that he is better at taking care of the house and cooking than I am, (however much I hate to admit it). He’s still the sweet, honest man I knew before we got married.

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life?

We try to eat dinner together every night. At that time we get to talk a little bit about our days and whats going on with everyone else. It’s kind of like our downtime together, were we can finally relax.  We also like to have a date night relaxing on the couch just being us.

What is your best piece of marriage advice?

Talk about everything, even when you don’t feel like it. I am a quiet and reserved person, so it’s like pulling teeth sometimes to get me to talk about things, but it makes both of us understand each other and our feelings towards something better.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband?

He has quite a few quirks. He is a little OCD some times. He likes to check things like the locks on our car or house doors multiple times. I think its kinda funny and cute, so I just let him do it.

What is something special you do just for your husband?

I try to surprise him with little love notes in his wallet or his lunch or something. I try to do things that I know make him happy a couple times a week. Like having taco night for dinner, or letting him watch myth busters instead of HGTV. haha.

Tell us something about yourself.

I am a photographer and actually went to school for it (still can’t decide if that was money well spent). I was born and raised in South Louisiana and have recently moved to Texas while my hubby was getting his MBA from Texas A&M. I love to do anything crafty and am often consumed by them. I love experiencing the cultures of everywhere I visit, therefore I love to travel. My hubby has been looking for a job since august and has applied to 1000+ jobs.  He just started a blog on the chronicles of job searching.

If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, please leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

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11 Responses

  1. Hmmm, interesting. And as always, such a cute couple. Pretty pretty people. 🙂

    My daughter (the actress) has decided to go to college for photography and possibly creative writing/journalism. So I am intrigued by her photography comment in this post. I think I’ll go check out there stuff.

    btw, thanks for your comment on my wedding dress. That was very sweet of you. I bet I couldn’t squeeze myself into that dress now if I tried. LOL

  2. I’m Dara’s mother-in-law. I think they are a perfect match. Dara is so innovative and such a hard worker. Matthew has told me many times how supportive she is and how lucky he is to have her in his life.

    As for Matthew’s OCD, he comes from a long line of OCDers. He too is a hard worker and the company that hires him won’t be sorry.

  3. Hi, I just wanted Dara to know that there IS medication for OCD! Im one of those recovering OCDers your mother-in-law was talking about. LOL
    You and Matthew looked happy from day one, and you both have the same happy look every time I see you. Love, Aunt Stephanie

  4. @Pat, HI Pat, it’s great to hear how wonderful they are from a close personal family member. I am sure they will love to read this.

    My hubby is also a bit OCD about checking the locks on things.

  5. I’m Matthew’s sister and he and Dara are the perfect couple. They enjoy life and each other. I think they have the relationship that all married couples want — someone who loves you unconditionally (flaws, OCD and all). I’m so lucky to have such a great brother and sister-in-law.

  6. I was just curious why no one mentioned anything difficult about marriage. Yeah, it’s great to have someone who’s there for you, etc., but being married is work…at least some of the time. I get my husband special lunches he likes, and send him random love txts, but come June we’ll have two kids – we fight, too. Is this blog meant to be entirely positive (though a little unrealistic)? It just makes it sound unrelatable. Great relationships have hard times, too. I’m pretty sure it’s even mentioned in the wedding vows…”through good times and bad.”
    Having said that, your photography looks really good, and you seem like you have a great time doing it. Congrats on your relationship and your husband’s graduation. Good luck to him on the job search!
    BTW, I did go to high school with Dara in a petite Louisiana town.

  7. @Rachael, You have an excellent point, Marriage can be hard and trying at times and is full of ups and downs. But I do want my blog to be a positive note on marriage and also realistic. In the questions I do ask how they stay connected through everyday stresses (whatever that may be for each couple).
    And I try to focus this on the “newlywed” standpoint though I’ve had couples married 4+ years. I just might add another question to get insight oh how they handle the hard times. Thanks for your comment.

  8. @sheila, Sheila, thanks for your comment! I just wanted you to know that I wouldn’t trade going to school for photography and graphic design for anything. I learned so much and loved every minute of it! The reason that I have inhibitions is because it is a hard job, there is a lot of competition (just like with any job), and you have to try to make yourself stand out. It is also hard now that nice, professional cameras are so affordable; anyone can buy one and take decent pictures. When it comes time to get family portraits or senior portraits done, some people just call their friend over instead of calling the people who are doing this as a living.

    As a suggestion for your daughter, if she really wants to go to school for photography, she should find out what kind of photography she wants to do early on. I wanted to be an architectural photographer and I still do this on the side, but the money is in portrait photography. So it’s really hard to stick with your original plan. I wish your daughter the best with her (and your) decision. It is always nice to have a photographer in the family. Just ask my sister! Lol.

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