I just love decorating for Christmas, well mostly decorating the Christmas tree.  If you recall last year we did a little tree in the corner on side table with minimal Christmas ornaments.  But not this year, this year I am pulling out the big tree and going all out with a few exceptions, no breakable ornaments near the bottom of the tree, or really not many ornaments at the bottom at all, since the boys still like to pull the occasional ornament down.  Mostly they have been pretty good about leaving the ornaments alone.

One of my very first posts was about Christmas ornaments and how special they are too me.  I generally love to go places and buy new ornaments, little gift shops always have some of the cutest ones.  So typically as I am unwrapping and putting out the ornaments I am remembering who they are from or why I bought them and it brings back all the wonderful memories

So I thought I would share some of my favorite ornaments on my tree this year.

First up are these two leaf wrapped earthy apple and pear ornaments I recently purchased at the Dairy Farm gift shop, I think they are darn cute!

This ornament I got for my Whitey kitty a few years ago, it’s a fat white cat.  How many cat ornaments do you see, seriously!  I just love this one.

As I am taking pictures and placing ornaments I have helpers trying to remove ornaments

I found these two peanut ornaments when I was pregnant with the boys, it was special to me because we use to call them our little peanuts.

As a way to discourage the boys from the big tree I set them up their own little tree in their room with toddler friendly ornaments

Little W favorite ornament is this little wooden train, I think we got this from my mom.

and Little H’s favorite is this John Deere Hat ornament, I got this last year because I knew they couldn’t break a hat!

It seems no matter what I do to discourage them from the big Christmas tree, this is still their favorite hang out

I am guessing it’s soft under there

Thanks for joining me on my little Christmas tree tour.

Be Sure to stop by My Holiday Treats week and share your favorite holiday treats

or in this case  What Works for Me Wednesday

The Inspired Room “Its a beautiful Life Friday”

Amy’s “Finer Things Fridays”

Kelly’s Korner “Show us your christmas tree”

Hooked On Houses

Thrifty Decor Chic, “Christmas Tree Party

Funky Junk Interiors, “Christmas Tree Link Up”

Christmas Tour of Homes with The Nester

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27 Responses

  1. A beautifully done Christmas Tree. I would have thought that your helpers were trying to remove the decorations until I read in another blog the same thing happened. They were just trying to help you redecorate it. 🙂

  2. Those are adorable. What a great idea for a toddler friendly tree. I saw your little peanut ornament and wondered if you have ever heard of Find-the-pickle? Originally the ornament is a pickled shaped one, and the object is mom and dad hide the pickle ornament somewhere on the tree (would be great for when your lil ones are a bit older), and the kids search for it. Whoever finds it, wins a little prize. Of course yours would be find the peanut. It’s just a nice tradition. We do it every year as we are decorating the tree. Of course we have 2 teens and 1 five year old. The five yr old always wins, she just has really good eyes.

    Oh and I love the picture of them under the tree looking up, our daughter does the exact same thing and it is so precious.

  3. Almost every one of our Christmas ornaments has special meaning. I can remember where I bought them, (or who gave them to me), and in some cases they bring up lots of memories–for instance, we have a gold-dipped aspen leaf we got in Colorado on our best vacation ever. And I have a little angel playing the flute that I bought on a trip to Cape Cod.

    We haven’t put our tree up yet, but your post is making me look forward to it even more! I love the shot of the kids lying underneath it. Ours is pokey pine every year (that’s what grows in mid-Missouri) so no one wants to get quite that close. LOL

  4. I love that the boys have their own tree! That is a smart idea and something I will probably need to look into for next year!

  5. I love those pears! I remember for years we decorated from about the middle of the tree on up and left the bottom bare so that toddlers/cats didn’t pull off ornaments. Our pictures from then are so funny!

  6. @Cheryl W, Cheryl yes we have a tiny little pickle you can kind of see it between my two leaf wrapped ornaments it the second picture. We always do that tradition at my parents house, but I will start probably next year with the boys.

  7. Beautiful tree! I saw your peanut ornament and it reminded me that I didn’t put our pickle ornament on the tree 🙁

  8. I think it’s great that they like to hide out UNDER the tree… my three never did that!! But I think it could be a really fun hideout:) You have some really creative (or mischievous) little boys on your hands… so much fun!!

  9. BEAUTIFUL Tree and cute lil’ helpers!

    I love how your ornaments all tell a story and I’m hoping, starting this year, mine will too (since the girls made some). I DEFINITELY see the point in having a tree for the kiddies…I didn’t get it before – my sister had one for her daughter – but I definitely get it now!

    Happy WW!

  10. That is so nice the tradition you have started with your family concerning the ornaments! I wish we would have done something similar, but when you start a family at the age of 20 and have a baby every other year, it gets tough sometimes. I’m so glad to see that you have something extra special to do with your family during this time of year in looking forward to Christmas! 🙂

  11. I do like your toddler-friendly tree and that sweet picture of the boys under the big tree – that’s my favorite perspective, too!

  12. I LOVE that your boys like to hang out under the tree! Also, the peanuts! How sweet! I love the stories behind ornaments, too!

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