Its that time of year in Texas with the 100 degree days and a severe drought, our garden is finally giving up.   I must say I am not all that upset.  After months of constant picking, watering , weeding, (courtesy of DT)  cooking, eating,  freezing, and canning, I am ready for a break.  Our harvest was huge, enormous, gigantic, more food than 5 families could eat, it was so much fun and now time to say goodbye. At least for a few months until we start our winter garden!

Wait why do I love gardening so much?

Oh Yeah.  I remember; its because growing veggies has proved to be one of the most rewarding things in my life; you know next to marriage, motherhood and the fun I have chronicling it all here on my website.  As someone who didn’t grow up growing fruits or veggies, composting, soil, fertilizer, picking, canning, freezing; I’ve derived more satisfaction from learning the basics of gardening (from DT) and watching things grow from seed to fruit throughout the year more than I could ever imagine.

I also truly love the cooking, creating new or new to us recipes, freezing and canning all the produce.  Just look at all we made this year.  Jalapeno Jelly, Jalapeno Cheesecake, Chocolate Zucchini Cake, Zucchini Quesadillas, Eggplant Parmesan, Refrigerator PicklesHomemade salsaMarinara sauce, and Easy Zucchini or Eggplant Bake

Just click on the links and it will take you to the recipes.

Meanwhile back in the garden;

The tomatoes are gone, dead, dried up!

So DT decide to go ahead and pull them up.

Bye tomatoes you sure were good to us, we have a freezer stocked full of tomatoes to use all year long, thank you!

The Japanese eggplant died, and look at all the eggplants she took with her

But the Black beauties are still hanging on

As is our bell peppers

a few watermelons, crossing my finger they will turn out

and the grass seems to love our garden, and is thriving.  But not for long…

So how is your garden growing?  Any good recipes you like to share!

Please ask your gardening questions and/or please share tips. I will be keeping up with  posting the progress of the garden weekly.

Click the links for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4 week 5 , week 6, week 7 , week 8 , week 9 , week 10 , week 11 and week 14 and week 18

This post is listed @

Living Senses, “Go Local Challenge”

Home of the Peterson Clan “Garden Club Friday”

Kelli’s “Show and Tell Friday”,

Carrie’s “Foto Story Friday”

Amy’s “Finer Things Fridays”

A soft Place to Land, “Garden Party”

Heart of the Matter

Canada Girl, “Show and Tell Friday”,

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecilyand MamaGeek

The Inspired Room “Its a beautiful Life Friday”

Hooked on Houses

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0 Responses

  1. I love the seasons of the garden…from seed to compost pile, We did not do veggies this year as our summer was packed with unexpected life adventures, I have enjoyed yours!!!!
    Soon you will be planning next years garden!

  2. You had a gorgeous garden! You know…we still don’t have a single ripe tomato? It’s bizarre! Normally we’re eating them in late July. I don’t know if your area gets tomato hornworms but if you do I’d recommend tilling under your tomato patch.

  3. You have been working hard. I didn’t put any veggies up this year with the exception of diced green peppers in the freezer for future use. I have canned in the past so I know it is a very busy time. I would have loved having those peas to can. We are just getting tomatoes at this point. Our cukes did so well that I just got tired of picking them. We only had two plants but way more than we needed. You should show some of your canned produce. I wonder what you’ll plant in your winter garden.

  4. I am trying to click on your links but they keep taking me to a page that says’ sorry! no posts matched your criteria’ ? I especially wanted to try the recipe for zucchini quesadillas.

    Our garden is coming to an end too but we want to plant cooler weather plants like peas, onions, lettuce, broccoli. We live in Austin TX and I’ve heard we can grow things all year round here. When will you start on your winter garden’?

  5. FAntastic! I’ve always wannted a garden but there just isn’t enough space here in suburbia. I love your bellpeppers. They look so happy on their bush.
    Enjoy your day and thanks for sharing.

  6. the tomatoes and squash are feeding us every day! that’s all we planted. we did have one pumpkin come up volunteer that is just starting to get some orange speckles in the flesh.

    Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!

  7. Impressive! I’ll post a couple of recipes at my 2nd blog, , which I think you’ll enjoy!

    We don’t have much room for a garden here, as our yard mostly is the park behind us. But we grow a few things in containers, some lettuce, beans, and tomatoes…but the chipmunks always take a bite out of each tomato, so it’s not going so well!

    Great work on the garden!

  8. Everything looks so wonderful. Can’t wait to see you winter garden.

    Please stop by The Old Parsonage anytime, I love visitors!


  9. What a plentiful garden! How wonderful. I am fighing all the animals in my yard eating everything in sight. I had a whole lot of tomatoes on one of my hanging tomato plants and the other day I walked up to it to pick some tomatoes for my salad and all I found was skin and seeds on the floor!

  10. I love to garden, but this year my pregnancy, bedrest and surgery made the upkeep too difficult. We lost most of our tomatoes. Only 3 bloomed and the fruit stayed tiny. I also lost our pumpkin and squash. I’m thankful that I planted all my peppers and cukes in pots up by the house, at least we are able to enjoy them.

  11. I have to say your gardening was very impressive for a first timer. I am not too good at keeping things alive (although I do have a plant that is coming up on 5 yrs of age…hehe). My dad has a small garden of tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash this year that I saw a few weeks ago when I visited…I’d personally have no clue where to start!

  12. Yikes! Now, THAT’S a garden! Good for you….lots of fresh vegies. It just doesn’t get any better than that.


  13. You did have a really good summer with your garden! It’s nice to see the watermelon are still growing (that’s one of those fruits I can never get enough of!!) I can’t wait to read about your winter garden!!

    I’m so glad you mentioned how your husband is clearing out the garden. Our green beans have almost had it and I wasn’t sure what to do. So I guess I just pull the plants when they’ve stopped producing and starting to die?? We’re still getting tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini. While I’m happy that we’ve been successful this year, I’m kinda waiting for it to all die….it gets tiring going out there every day and watering, weeding and picking the veggies! Even the kids are tired of it!

    Do you have any advice on what we can do with all our little cherry tomatoes? We have so many in the fridge and so many more growing.

  14. That’s an amazing stash of vegetables, and I’m sure it doesn’t even touch what you’ve done. I’m impressed, and a little jealous too.

  15. I am sooo jealous of your garden(when in full bloom) my husband just dug up everything out of our garden. We did have some veggies though but some pesty slugs & other critters kept interfering. For our first time trying, it was good though and can’t wait to try again. Any tips for next time are welcome!

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