The weather here in Southeast Texas has been perfect for growing summer veggies, one comment I seem to get most often is how we are already so far along with our garden and most living in northern states are just planting. Well that is because here near the gulf coast during July and August it is hot, scorching hot, too hot for anything to grow, except for jalapenos, seriously they love the sun, that and maybe watermelons. Any who with that said, we are in prime picking season now, I probably pick 5-6 tomatoes, everyday. They are doing so well along with squash, eggplant, cucumbers, green beans, jalapenos and banana peppers.  Its been so fun cooking with all the fresh veggies, take a look at some of the food I have made so far; homemade salsa, zucchini quesadillas and eggplant Parmesan to name a few.

Front of the new garden week 11


Tomatoes- we like to pick them we they start turning yellow otherwise the birds get to them before we can


Squash- looking kinda crazy but still producing a few


Sweet corn- you can really see the ears of corn now, it won’t be long!


Purple Hull Peas- are getting big, does anyone know if they really turn purple?  I’ve eaten a few of the peas raw, and they taste great!


Banana peppers still producing like crazy


Cucumbers are getting big- too bad our dill never did take off- don’t worry I have a great recipe for refrigerator pickles, yum!


Our Okra decided to make a come back, look at that beautiful bloom


A few yellow squash


Bell peppers- about ready to pick so more


Black beauty Eggplants- look at all of them


Blackberry vine- they will be ready to pick soon, maybe this year we will get enough for a pie or cobbler, I will pick them as they ripen and then freeze until I have enough


Grapes- My aunt Sue Sue found me a recipe for a grape pie, so I am excited to try it!


front view of our old garden


Sweet corn- has some ears growing


Pattypan Squash- yea we finally have one!  Isn’t she a beauty.


Japanese Eggplant- has a few small ones growing

Please ask your gardening questions and/or please share tips. I will be keeping up with  posting the progress of the garden weekly. and week 10

Click the links for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4 week 5 , week 6, week 7 , week 8 , week 9 and week 10

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23 Responses

  1. All I can say is: “‘when do we eat?”

    Lovely, garden….your work and toils are paying off.

    My show n tell is decades old toys. Come on over if you can find time.

    Happy Friday.

  2. Your garden is wonderful! I live in the same area as you do and have gotten alot of rain lately and I’ve noticed my zuchinni and squash leaves have mold on them. How do you prevent this from happening and can I get rid of it. My husband and I are trying to go with the organic approach. You also mentioned garlic water in another post. Do you buy this or have a recipe for it?

  3. Hootin Ani- Come over over we have plenty!

    Cindy- Good luck on planting, that’s half the battle.

    Kim-Thanks for the reminder I was going to post the recipe I have it at home so it won’t be posted till later today. We are doing organic as well, I think the mold is due to water not dying on the leaves, from all the rain, it should go away, we had some of that as well, another tip is when watering water in the mornings, so that way the leaves have a chance to dry throughout the day.

    Sheila- it will you just have to ask nicely, lol!!

  4. I’ve seen those little eggplants, I thought they were guords. I love Zuchinni. The plant I bought turned out to be Squash, just got moved to the wrong spot. You should be able to buy pickling spice in your grocery store. I pick my bell peper, open, wash and core it. Then either freeze the halves for stuffed peepers, slices for stir fry, or cut into cubes for casseroles & baked beans. Purple Hull Peas do actually turn a little purple before time to harvest. We love them. I was surprised to see those in your garden. By the way, it is a beautiful garden and well cared for. This is the first time in 16 years we have actually had a place to grow anything besides tomatoes, zuchinni and pepper. We’ve been doing container gardens but this year we have the big yard with a sunny spot in the back right corner. Honey Bear has planted quite a few things. I imagine the garden will get bigger every year.
    Mama Bear

  5. I’ve been enjoying following your garden. It is doing fabulous!! LOTS of good fresh foods there.

  6. I love how you have so much growing in such a small space. We are East Texas, but much northern, and I can really see how far you are ahead of us. (August-hot?-yepyepyep) Enjoy (and keep sharing:)

  7. Terrific garden! We keep a big garden every year too. It’s nice to see others. Great pictures and thanks for sharing!

  8. That’s one super sucessful garden! I bet it’s so much fun cooking using the vegetables you grow yourself. They must taste delicious.

  9. May I ask what zone you are gardening in? My garden is so far behind yours and I’m in New Mexico. Your garden looks wonderful.

  10. Wow! I love your garden. It looks great! I hope my garden will look good as yours! 🙂 Have a blessed weekend.


  11. Your garden is AMAZING!!! I’m so envious of the fresh produce you’re already enjoying. Though not jealous of the August heat.

    I’d love to have you participate in my Go Local challenge this year. I’ll be posting a Mr. Linky on Mondays so everyone can share their local meals/gardens, etc. I’d love for my readers to see your incredible space!

    Here’s a link to the information:

    Enjoy your gorgeous food!!

  12. I’m one of the those people who is coveting your garden! We are still waiting to put in our seedlings as it has been so cold at night here – still. Eventually, I hoping for the same results you’ve shown.

  13. You have such a lovely garden. I wish I could have one too but I’m on the 2nd floor with a little balcony. Of course, I planting a small garden there in pots!
    I hope it does well.:)

  14. Wow, your garden looks amazing. It just barely got warm enough to plant here about a month ago…I have tiny sprouts, and there you are nearly ready to harvest!

  15. Your garden is beautiful! And so much further along than mine. I can’t wait to eat fresh peas!

    Thanks for sharing the progress with us.

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