I am always amazed by children that don’t like to get dirty.  Like if something sticky touches their hands they immediately stop doing that, or if they are outside playing they don’t specifically pick up dirt and sticks to chew on. Really, I guess amazed isn’t more the word but jealous of the mother of these clean little children. That clean gene did not pass down to my little guys. Not by any sense of the word, clean isn’t something they know or want to know.  Dirt, Sticks, Mud; now these are words they know.

For instance look at little H.  Its as if he is saying,

“What? You want a piece of me?  I’ll rub my dirt drool all over you and poke you in the eye with my stick.”


Nah not really.  Really I am just a sweet little boy who loves to play with sticks and dirt.

How about little W, full on smile- do you think the dirty mouth and shirt bother him one bit? Nope!


In fact his favorite past time is to pick up hand-fulls of dirt, let it sprinkle out and then taste test it!


But little dirt and stick eaters or not they sure do clean up well (sort of with peanut butter cheeks), and can be sweet as honey.

(Ok you got me, this is a different day with the same but clean clothes on)


Just missing it in this picture Little H is giving Little W a full on kiss with his signature mouth wide open.


Little dirty boys sure can be sweet and love each other.

Please share your wordless Wednesday post!!! Or in my case not so wordless post!

I would love to see them! Just click Mr. Linky below and add your blog post. Be sure to check out the other blogs and leave some comment love, we all love comments!

Wordless Participants:

1. Feels like Home

2. Hooiser Homemade

3. Run DMT

4. Healthy Moms

5. Peanut Butter and Smelly’s Dad

6. Diana Rambles

7. One Thrifty Chick

8. SunnyMama

Check out more wordless posts here, here, here , here, here , here

For more wordful Wednesday posts go to Seven Clown Circus

or in this case  What Works for Me Wednesday

And A Southern Daydreamers “Outdoor Wednesday”

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39 Responses

  1. I only have one like that. I couldn’t even imagine a set of dirt eating, messy twins! LOL

    I love sibling pics. Thanks for sharing! Happy WW! 🙂

  2. That is funny! My son does the same thing and he is nearly 2 so it might be a while before your little ones outgrow their dirt obsession. Little boys can be so much fun.

    My nephew on the other hand is the exact opposite. If he gets dirt or anything on his hands he freaks out and has to run and wash them right away. It is so strange.

  3. What a hoot! Loved this post!

    Do you know that I had an ancestor who immigrated to Boston from England and complained (as one of the early colonists) that there was nothing there but rocks and sticks (and I think swamps) and was censured??? LOL! He must have been one of the cleanies. Needless to say, he hopped on the first bus out of town and helped to found Hartford, CT, a cleaner town (at least at the time) a few states over. 😉


    Sheila 🙂

  4. That was the funniest picture (that first one) that I’ve seen all day long! lol. HYSTERICAL! That one should be on a greeting card!

    Man, you sure do have ‘double trouble’. lol

  5. I love the pics….and the commentary you wrote was hilarious, esp that first one!! The boys are adorable!!

    My boys are attracted to mud in the same way pigs are. They wallow in it, they eat it, they rub it in their hair. It totally disgusts me but boys will be boys.

  6. Oh, ooops, meant to give you the update on my dreadful garden. It’s doing okay…and by okay, I mean, I have 2 green bean plants that look somewhat healthy, 1 tomato plant that was growing flowers until my stepdad came over yesterday and pinched them off, claiming I’ll have a better tomato supply if they get pinched off (he did it before I even realized he was out there!!!), and 1 strawberry plant that is flowering. Not sure what’s going on with the other plants….I think they’re begging to be put out of their misery!

  7. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Jenna! What cuties! Mine are all grown…but can get just as dirty! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  8. I personally enjoyed picking up worms and making mud pies as a kid. But my little cousin Laura has been staying with us for the last two days, and she doesn’t like even a speck of dirt on her. She has me wiping her hands and arms even if they get a little wet while she paints. Wild! Your photos, as always, couldn’t be any cuter!

  9. The first picture is fantastic! I love to see children getting dirty and playing with sticks, and they’re two of sunnyboy’s favourite pastimes 🙂

  10. Aren’t they adorable?

    And, just so you know…girls eat dirt and play with sticks, too! Not that I would know.

    Nor, would I know about them playing in the dirt!

  11. So cute! My son has his days when he loves dirt and moments when he flips out. It’s so unpredictable! Great photos!

  12. My son used to be one of those kids…now he really enjoys getting messy. I think it is partly because he figured out that it drives me crazy!

  13. Those are the cutest little dirty checks ever, I hear your frustration with little kid business. . .But trust me it passes so quickly, enjoy and cherish every minute of it. . .laugh often!
    thanks for dropping by today

  14. They’re too cute!! I have 2 boys and 1 girl, and it’s my daughter who enjoys getting dirty. Go figure. . .

  15. Oh, they’re so cute! My 14 mo. old son has been eating dirt lately too. Yesterday he ate goat food at the Bronx Zoo (intended for the goats of course!)

  16. Your boys are adorable! I can’t wait till Baby Dosser gets to play with these guys!

  17. Hahaha…my son loves the dirt too, but my 2 yr old little girl HATES to get dirty. You shouldn’t be jealous though. It is beyond frustrating to have to clean her hands EVERY time she gets a speck of dirt on them! I’d much rather her play with mud and chew on sticks 🙂

    Your boys are adorable!

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