Meet the Newlyweds Tiffany and Mark.  Tiffany has a cute blog called All that Blooms where she writes about cooking, reading,  great bargains and finds, her “13 Babies” and everyday life.  She’s always has something great to say and is very real, I love that about her.  So go check her out, but in the meanwhile lets Meet the Newlyweds!


Name: Tiffany & Mark

Wedding date: May 17, 2008


How did you meet? I met Mark in March of ’05, I believe, when he worked with my sister at a local Arby’s (actually right down the street  from my apartment).  I had heard about Mark from my sister because they were friends and talked on the phone a lot while she was on maternity leave, but had never met him.  One night, while my sister and I were helping a friend clean up her new place, we decided to go get some food  from Arby’s.  Mark just happened to be working the drive-through that night. The first thing I noticed was that he was hilarious! (Even through the drive-through speaker haha)  When I saw him I thought he was kinda cute (he had curly blonde hair and blue eyes, who could resist?!)  The next time he seen my sister, he asked, “Who was that hot girl in the back seat?”  Yep, it was me.  After that, we were kinda just hooked up by my sister, who made him take us (as well as her children) to the zoo, to a couple concerts, etc.

When did you know he was the one? It’s always strange to me to read about a singular moment when one knows their mate is the “one”.  I’m not sure it was like that for me, and if it was, I don’t remember.  When we first met, I was convinced that my “one” was someone who didn’t feel the same.  It took me a long time to let go of that person, and when I did, I saw that I had everything I wanted right in front of me.  After living together for a while, I just couldn’t imagine spending my life with anybody else.  We talked about marriage a lot, and the things we wanted in the future.. and we found that we both wanted the same things.  We’re complete opposites in a lot of way, but we’re so perfect for each other.

What is one of your favorite things to do together? Music night!  Every now and then, we crave music (I can’t put into words how much we love rock music) so we’ll put all of our favorites in the 100-disk player (we skip my Lifehouse and his Beach Boys on these nights) and rock out all night long – haha.  We might be in separate rooms sometimes, but we’re still singing the same songs.  (And sometimes we dance to the music, even though rock music isn’t great for slow dancing, and we can’t dance anyway ;))

What is something new you learned about your spouse after you were married? Oh gosh, I don’t really know.  We got to know each other so well living together for the past almost-four years, it’s like there’s nothing new to learn.  One thing I’ve learned since we got serious was that he’s always going to be there.  I’m kind of hard to live with sometimes, but it doesn’t make him love me any less.

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? Thankfully, our lives aren’t very stressful, but we do like to spend time together when he gets home from work (usually around 3am).  Lately, we’ve been squeezing in an episode of The X-Files before we go to bed.  He got addicted to The X-Files after he bought me the first season and decided to watch an episode with me.  Now we’re almost halfway through the third season 🙂  Music nights are always great too!

What is your best piece of marriage advice? See past his or her flaws.  Nobody is perfect and we all have our flaws, but it doesn’t do any good at all to ignore the good and see only the bad.  (I’m working on this one myself)

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? Mark is very passionate about sports.  He loves to watch, listen to, read about and play sports. I think it’s funny when he’s listening to ESPN Radio and will say the name of someone they’re talking about before they even do.  He’s that good 😉

What is something special you do just for your husband? To me, it seems like there isn’t anything I do just for him regularly (see below), but he would say that I put up with his sports addiction and that’s good enough.  I’ve cooked him special suppers, tried new recipes for/with him, and gotten up early to make him breakfast.  I love cooking for him, especially breakfast.

Tell us something about yourself. I’m far from a perfect wife (and housekeeper).  I can be selfish and critical and lazy, but my husband seems to think that’s why we’re so good together, because he’s not.  (He doesn’t love the laziness though, and I don’t love that he makes me get out of bed – even if I do feel better when I’m up.)  My mother-in-law tells me all the time that she was the same way when she married Mark’s dad.  She says it took a while to get into that habit of doing things, but it gives me hope.  (Once Mark told me I was a lot like his mom, and it was a huge compliment :))

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12 Responses

  1. I agree with you, it’s important to be lenient with your spouse’s imperfections. Because we aren’t perfect either, and they still put up with us. I loved reading this post, because it shows that you have realistic expectations for your marriage.

    I also looked at your pictures below, and your babies are gorgeous!

  2. Wow, I didn’t think there’d be any comments on mine! haha. About hat wedding picture, I would have hated the pic if Mark’s hand hadn’t been there. He covered the part of my neck that I hate, and made it look pretty! haha (I think it looks like he’s spitting in my mouth though. LOL. I was so nervous that I’m not sure I even kissed him back.)

  3. Susie- I have to totally agree, the look on Mark’s face and his hand, so romantic!

    Helene- I so sound like they have lots of fun together.

    Hajar- I so agree, she has a wonderful outlook on marriage.

    Jenny- How funny!

    Coley Moley- They are soo cute!

    Tiffany- So glad that your happy about the comments! I love the wedding picture, the look on Mark’s face is just pure love!

  4. Oh what a beautiful wedding photo. I am going to have to skip over and check out her blog! What a sweet couple.

  5. Jenny – When I told my mom that Mark said I was like his mom, she assumed it was an insult. Actually, his mom is a great wife, mother, housekeeper, etc., and I can only hope to be half as good as she is! lol. She’s always reminding me that it took a LONG time for her to get the hang of the housewife thing, and that I’ll get it eventually too.

    But I can definitely see how a woman probably wouldn’t want to be told that they’re like their mother-in-law! haha. (My sister is one of those people for whom it wouldn’t be a compliment! lol)

    Everyone else – I’m glad we sound interesting and cute 😀 I feel special 🙂

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