Meet the Newlyweds Erin and Brian.  Erin has 2 very sweet blogs one all about her crafty self  gorgeous quilts and jewelry designs and weekly goals and another blog in which she chronicles the jounrey to motherhood and pregnancy with a baby girl due in May. Erin is a self proclaimed hopeless romantic madly in love with her hubby Brian. She loves “old” fashion things like sewing and quilting.  I say go for it.  I am soo not crafty and totally jealous of those that are.  So lets meet Erin and Brian.


Meet the Newlyweds:  Erin & Brian

Wedding date: August 1, 2004

Blogs: and

How did you meet? We had a couple classes together in college (we were both history majors); I was actually dating someone else at the time and tried for months to convince myself that I could be “just friends” with this cute guy.  He was completely unimpressed with my boyfriend and was determined to woo me away from him because he thought he was better for me than the other guy.  He was right, and he succeeded!

When did you know he was the one? The first time he told me he loved me, my heart stopped and I felt dizzy, like my whole world had suddenly stopped right then for a moment.  I couldn’t breathe; it was the strangest feeling and I had never felt that before.  Right then I thought, This is the man I’m going to marry.  I always thought that kind of feeling was kind of hokey and ridiculous and unrealistic until I met my husband.

What is one of your favorite things to do together? I love working on our house together.  We don’t have a “fixer” or any remodels going and don’t plan to start, but it’s our first house and I just really like doing the maintenance, decorating, etc. kinds of things with him.  The nursery is very fun to work on together now that we have a baby on the way.  I like making our house ours together.

What is something new you learned about your spouse after you were married? That he does not like strawberries!  And all the times I made strawberry shortcake when we were dating, and he ate it all up… the things we do for love, I guess!

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We try to take time every evening to chat and share our days with each other.  It often happens on our cell phones while we’re sitting in traffic on the way home from work.  Sometimes it is very hard, because we’re both exhausted and often talking is the last thing we want to do, even with each other.  Sometimes it doesn’t even happen until we get into bed at night.

What is your best piece of marriage advice? For both men and women: try every day to make your spouse’s life better.  That’s why we got married, right?  Because we love this person and want to make them happy!  For women: we have more power than we realize.  We have the power to build our marriages up with kind words and loving attitudes to our husbands, and we have the power to tear them down with nagging and frustration.  Your husband is a gift, even (and especially) when he doesn’t feel like it.  We chose them, so they can’t be all bad, unless we were idiots and made a huge mistake.  Don’t forget to treat your husband like the wonderful man he is, because all he wants to do is worship you and treat you like a queen, and you make it easier for him to do that when you are kind to him.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband?Just one?!  That he sometimes doesn’t think things through or realize the “consequences” of his actions!  “When good intentions go horribly wrong” could be a good slogan for us.  For example, one night he tried to get into bed without waking me by leaping backwards onto his side of the bed.  His reasoning was that he would land softly in bed and not wake me with the usual wiggling of the bed and pulling of covers and general scuffling that accompanies getting into bed.  Not only did he land with a huge WHOMP! which shook the bed to high heaven, he misjudged in the dark and whacked his head HARD on the headboard and YELLED.  Of course, I woke up.

What is something special you do just for your husband? I make his lunch for him every morning, so he has a healthy lunch and doesn’t have to worry about making sure he has enough cash or snacks.  I also sneak notes into his lunch bag (and into his suitcase, when I pack him for business trips).

Tell us something about yourself. I am crafty to the point of obsession.  I like knowing how things happen and the way things work, which invariably leads to “why can’t I do that?” or “how could I do that better?” which invariably leads to a bunch of crafty tools, supplies, projects that occupy my time and energy and drive my husband nuts.  I think he puts up with it because if I didn’t have crafty obsessions to fill up my time, I’d want to talk to him during the baseball game or ESPN, and we can’t have that!


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