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My little sweet peas are 3 months old already.  They are more and more alert and flirty each day.  I live for those coos, smiles and cheese.

Their big brothers still love smooching all over the babies numerous times each day and if they are still sleeping in the morning when they wake up, they miss them so much (and usually wake them up, ugh) I am trying to teach them we don’t wake a sleeping baby.

Twice now on camping trips in our camper the babies slept from 9pm-6am each day.  But then as soon as we get home they are back to waking at 3 or 4 in the morning.  I think they sleep so long in the camper because of the hum of the air conditioner all night, but still not sure.  We have one more camping trip planned before the bigs go back to school.

G is about 11.5 lbs per my scale at home (official weight tomorrow at doctors) he is such a sweet little flirt.  Still my laid back guy who hardly fusses unless in the car seat.  He can roll from his tummy to back and is good at holding his head up to look around while on his tummy.  We have tried the bumbo seat and he is still pretty wobbly in it.  When feeding he pops off and looks at me and smiles and coos, it is literally the sweetest thing ever.

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This is G’s normal big eye expression.  You can see his eye color really good in this picture, still that hazel color.  So I am thinking it’s staying.

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C is the my little needy man.  Not in a bad way at all, just more so then his brother.  He lets me know when it’s time for them to eat and he eats like a champ and I joke that he would stay on the boob all day if I let him.  He is catching up in weight with G just a few ounces behind him now.  He is also a big talker and does the cutest little gurgle noises and blows bubbles too.  He can roll from his tummy to back and loves sleeping on his belly for day time naps.  He still sleeps swaddled in the crib at night and has busted loose from my blankets a few times, so I am much more diligent to make them extra tight.

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His bright blue peepers.

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Could these little guys be any cuter?


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4 Responses

  1. The pictures of G look just like a baby doll! A very adorable baby doll of course. They both are so sweet, I really miss that stage. My ‘baby’ starts Kindergarten Monday! Glad you all are doing so well!

  2. I thought you did not want to post their real names. The pictures show their given names, not G or C.

  3. Hi Jill. You caught me. In pictures I am not so worried as its not searchable, and I have shared them before but not in text, guess I should be more diligent about that.

  4. My big boys start kinder this year too. Time flys doesn’t it. Hope his first week went well.

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