Let’s Meet Eric and Katie married just a little over a year and already have wonderful marriage advice (see below) any couple could learn from.  Katie has a super cute blog, Latte Love. She blogs about life, love, friends, all the great things of being newly marrieds.  She has a wonderful recap of their wedding, with some of the cutest photography I’ve ever seen and lets not forget about the Honeymoon also, wow what a blast.  She also loves to do DIY crafts and talk fashion over lattes, yes of course!  Be sure to check them out, now on to the interview!

Wedding date: June 19, 2009

Blog (s): http://latteloveleavinghome.blogspot.com

How did you meet? We met at college in Chicago, through my roommate and our college newspaper (I was an editor and Eric submitted controversial opinion pieces regularly!) We started gradually hanging out in a group and got to know each other pretty well before dating.  I remember thinking he was really funny, smart, self-confident, and really serious about his faith.

When did you know he was the one? I knew subconsciously within a few weeks of meeting him, but at the time I was dating someone else, so I kind of tried to avoid him!   He started pursuing me (with a little encouragement from me) when I was single again and he was at a study abroad program in Oxford, and we wrote letters to each other for a few months.  I went out to CA with some mutual friends that summer and there was definitely something brewing!  Eric asked me out on our first date the first week of the school year, and we both acknowledged ‘this was it’ within the first couple weeks!

It was at that point Eric shared with me that he was planning to attend seminary after college graduation (not law school, which is what he had been planning on).  It only took me a couple days to realize that whether I was going to be a lawyer’s wife, or a pastor’s wife–I was up for it!

What is one of your favorite things to do together? We really enjoy sitting on our patio and reading together, going jogging, and being youth leaders.  But our favorite thing to do together is travel–and we hope to do a lot more of it in the future!

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? That he hates a messy kitchen!  There are a lot of things we learned about each other our first year of marriage (and I know there is a lot to come), but especially because we had a long-distance relationship for over a year…it took a while to get used to living together.

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We make a point to stay home together at least one night a week.  It’s been a little more challenging this summer as Eric has an internship which keeps him away from home 2-3 nights a week, but one night we stay home together, cuddle and talk.  We also regularly read the bible & books on marriage together.

What is your best piece of marriage advice?

Laugh together!  This is something Eric taught me early on in our marriage.  I tend to get frustrated/upset easily…he started making me laugh when I would be upset, and it’s lightened me up a lot.

Pray together. we connect daily in prayer and it keeps God at the center of our relationship.

Respect each other. This is something that takes a lot more work, and time.  But I’ve noticed how important and strengthening it is to our relationship.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? He makes up funny names for all of our little traditions and habits.  Also, this isn’t a quirk, but it’s definitely one of my favorite things–he does the dishes!

What is something special you do just for your husband? Back rubs before we go to bed. I also try to cook a healthy, balanced meal 4-5 times a week. We split chores because I’m working full time and he’s in a pretty intense school program, but cooking is one of my favorite things to do for him!

Tell us something about yourself. I’ve become a lot more domestic than I thought I would since we got married (It’s also a lot more work than I thought–thank you, mom!)  I’ve taken up gardening, cooking, and some DIY house projects. (plus blogging!) I’ve loved the written word my whole life (reading and writing), and have a secret dream to be a journalist someday.

I am still in search of couples so please If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

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3 Responses

  1. I LOVE the concept of back rubs before bed every night! I just wish I could convince Alex to do this, but no can do so far. I need to know Katie’s secret 🙂

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