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Sangria Wine

“When friends come for a  Saturday night, its nice to make some Sangria Wine, it’s organic and it comes from the vine, its also legal and it gets you so high” lyrics from none other than Jerry Jeff Walker, if you haven’t heard this classic click here. This recipe from my cousin Kaylynn instantly makes me think of this song, and trust me after after a few glasses you will be singly along with it.  It’s cold refreshing and just perfect summer time drink.

Ingredients:1 bottle of wine (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Zinfandel, or Shiraz),  2 Lemons,  2 Oranges,  2 Tbsp Sugar,  1 Shot Brandy (optional)
2 Cups ginger ale

Open you selected bottle of wine, in this case we used Cupcake Merlot

Pour into pitcher

Add the juice of one whole orange

and a whole lemon

Then slice the remaining orange and lemon

and add to pitcher

along with 2 tablespoons of sugar

and one shot of brandy

mix well and refrigerate for a few hours

When your ready to drink add 2 cups of ginger ale

and enjoy!! Trust me I know you will enjoy!


1 bottle of wine (you can use Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Zinfandel, or Shiraz):
2 Lemon
2 Orange
2 Tbsp Sugar
1 Shot Brandy (optional)
2 Cups ginger ale

Pour bottle of wine in pitcher, add the juice of one whole lemon and orange.  Slice another lemon and orange, and add to pitcher, add sugar and brandy.  Let sit in fridge for a few hours, then right before serving add the ginger ale.