The Amazing Maisie is at it again.


Miss Maisie went broody 3 times last year, but I never let her raise a single chick. I would normally stick some eggs under her and let her do her thing, but since I was “incubating” babies, I decided it was best not to have more little things to take care of.  So she had a little […]

The Watermelon Chickens….part 2

part 1 Don’t you hate it when you buy a watermelon only to get it home and find out it’s old? I do, but my chickens don’t!! Check out Maisie with her 2nd brood, and 4 adopted chicks.  She’s such a good mommy! And those chicks, you think they will be spoiled for life? After […]

A broody….. finally…

Despite all the loss our family has endured the past few weeks, life continues on with my chickens. Maisie, my 8 month old Olive Egger pullet, became broody a few weeks back.  I have hoped for a broody hen ever since getting chickens a few years ago. It’s very unusual for a chicken as young as she […]

Chickens for sale

Updated 6/8/2011 I love a beautiful, colorful egg basket like this: * (starting clock wise Olive eggers, Ameraucana, Black Copper Marans,  Naked Neck, Easter Egger, Black Copper Marans, Olive Egger, Ancona white, Salmon Favorelle, Easter Egger.) So I also love the chickens that produce various colors of eggs. I am incubating Olive Eggers chicks, which […]

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